Princess Cupcake Sparkles

Welcome to My Cupcake Kingdom of Fashion Blogging/Life ^__~

Keep Moving Forward

2016-11-14 08:56:26 | 日記

Hi Everyone ^__^

It's been a little bit of time since I wrote. After seeing the result of the elections, this has really made me go even more full gear in My Music!!! I really will keep moving forward on my dream of becoming an International Solo Artist! I want to give others encouragement with my music by showing them that no matter how hard it is to even live in this world that you have to keep moving forward. 

I am unsure of my fate but that makes me even more determine to do it! Being African America is seen as lower now but I won't let that keep me down. I will be positive and strong. Thanks to everyone that reads my blog! Thank you so much. ^__^ This is not the America I want where the color of my skin is in quetion and lower in status but that does not mean I will give up. I will keep moving forward and believing in myself. Bye for now everyone. ^__^

