Princess Cupcake Sparkles

Welcome to My Cupcake Kingdom of Fashion Blogging/Life ^__~

Oversea's Music Labels Here I Come ^_~

2016-10-28 13:56:04 | My Music

Hi Everyone,


I have not wrote in a bit! I have been really pushing towards my dream! I wanted to become a singer since I was a child. When I was introduce to jpop, kpop, jrock, and more. I really wanted to be a Famous International Solo Artist and that is what I am doing. I am jumping full force into the unknown's of the music world and sending out my music to many overseas music labels. I have this feel everyone that I will make it. I do not know how but I just feel like I will. Wish me luck everyone on this crazy journey I have jumped into this willingly! X3 See you on the otherside! ^ _ ~

