photograph diary

iam spelling out my daily
encounters with photos.

Yoichi Hokkaido

2020年03月20日 | 旅行
Sep. 2019 Leaving Hakodate early in the morning to head to Nikka Whiskey Distillery Factory in Yoichi

I saw a statue of Massan (Masataka Taketsuru), who became famous in the NHK daytime drama (^ 0 ^)

2019.9月 函館を朝早くに出て 一路 余市のニッカウィスキー蒸留工場へ向かう

NHKの昼ドラで有名になった マッサン(竹鶴政孝)の銅像を見てきました(^0^)

Is it the main gate of the factory?