Piyo Piyo uMe A la carte sections

ぴよぴよウメ アラカルト・セクション


2017年10月29日 03時32分47秒 | PiyoPiyo uMe A la ca


現代でハセヲを名乗れるほどの者は私を置いて他にはいまい。それで、ウサギの詩人として「ウメはせを」を称名した。「Poetic justice wind」「PiyoPiyo uMe a la carte」「Poetic justiece a la carte」「Angry uMe」はすべて私の俳句作品である。時事俳句という、川柳も越えた新しい俳句の創作をこの世に残しておこう、それが子規に対して呼応した伊予人の矜持だ。短歌も二千首めざして四十歳の時に公表した。これを超えてくる歌人は当分でないだろう。そして俳句も同じ程度数残そうと考えたが、五千句をとうに超えてしまった。ここいらで、「ウメはせを」としての序文を初めてしたため、一区切りとしたい。



uMe Hasewo こと 山 野 菊 吹  拝 

Got a late foreword  from heaven

I was born in the land of Iyo and started haiku from the age of seven, so I thought on a young day to want to exceed Masaoka Shiki  who is senior of the hometown. The person who thought would like to exceed him who was able to live only about 35 years has at least a native person of Iyo like the number of stellar one. It  is understood by the fact for which this was very difficult and which those who is called 俳聖(an excellent haiku poet) do not yet come out It was only natural that I who transcended Shiki in twenties was disliked from Parnassus. Because there were no poets that could creat with three poetic forms, except for me ....Those who are enough to name Haseo in modern times have not placed me other. So I named me myself as a rabbit poet "Ume Hasewo". "Poetic Justice Wind", "Piyopiyo uMe a la carte", "Poetic justiece a la carte" and "Angry uMe" are all my haiku works. I want to leave the creation of a new haiku called current affair haiku beyond Senryu satirical haiku in this world. It is the pride of Iyo's poet who responded to the poet Shiki. In the 40 year old generation, I have released tanka of Two thousand poems. The poet who comes over the quality of  this works wouldn't also appear for tens of years. And I thought a haiku also left the same quantity, but  I created five thousand haiku already At this point, I write preface by "uMe Hasewo" for the first time and want to pause.I would like to thank all readers who have quietly read the work of the rabbit poet who the author is unknown name and thank you again. Finally, my appreciation turns into too late preface.

  October 19, 2017

                 Japanese poet Kikusui Yamano or "uMe Hasewo"     

                              respectfully yours