Japanese alphabetical order in AngryuMe's sub-title by sections
§41 スミ
(6+3+5+3+4)+(3+5+5+5+3)+(3+7+1+3+1)+(2+2+1+2+2)+(1+3+0+2+1)+(1+3+1+3+0)+(1+0+2+2+2)+(2+0+1+1+2)+0=94 (1)
(2+1+2+3+3)+(8+4+1+3+3)+(3+2+3+5+3)+(6+2+0+4+1)+(0+1+2+0+2)+(9+3+1+2+1)+(1+2+1+1+3)+(1+0+0+1+2)+0=92 (2)
(6+3+2+1+0)+(3+0+0+2+13)+(0+1+2+6+3)+(3+0+5+1+0)+(2+0+1+1+2)+(2+2+3+2+0)+(4+1+1+2+0)+(0+2+0+1+3)+0=88 (3)
(2+1+1+0+2)+(0+1+2+1+1)+(1+2+4+1+1)+(2+2+3+1+0)+(2+0+0+1+1)+(0+1+2+2+0)+(0+0+4+1+1)+(1+0+0+0+3)+0=47 (3)
(0+0+2+1+0)+(2+0+0+1+1)+(0+2+1+1+1)+(2+1+0+0+0)+(0+0+0+1+1)+(1+1+0+0+9)+(0+0+1+1+1)+(1+1+1+0+0)+0=33 (0)
(0+3+4+1+0)+(1+4+0+1+0)+(0+2+0+2+0)+(1+2+1+1+1)+(0+0+0+0+0)+(1+1+4+2+1)+(0+2+0+2+3)+(1+0+0+0+0)+0=41 (0)
(1+4+0+2+1)+(0+2+0+0+0)+(0+0+0+0+2)+(1+1+0+0+0)+(1+0+1+1+0)+(0+1+1+2+0)+(1+1+0+1+0)+(3+0+0+0+0)+0=27 (0)
(0+0+1+0+1)+(1+0+0+0+1)+(0+1+0+0+0)+(0+1+0+0+0)+(0+0+0+0+0)+(0+0+1+1+0)+(0+1+2+0+3)+(0+0+0+0+0)+0=14 (0)
(0+0+0+0+1)+(1+0+0+0+1)+(0+1+0+0+0)+(1+1+0+2+0)+(0+0+1+0+0)+(0+0+0+0+0)+(0+0+2+1+0)+(0+0+0+0+0)+0=12 (0)
(0+0+1+0+0)+(0+0+0+0+0)+(0+0+0+0+0)+(0+0+0+0+0)+(0+0+0+0+0)+(0+0+0+0+0)+(1+0+0+1+0)+(0+0+0+0+0)+0=3 (0)
総計 451 titles(§1~§41)
蛍の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ Anger of the firefly, (蛍) Anger 1
盛り土の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ Anger of the mounding, (盛) Anger 2
印度象操作の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ.Ⅳ.Ⅴ.Ⅵ.Ⅶ.Ⅶ.Ⅷ Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant, (印) Anger3
安倍乃美屑の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ Anger of Abenomics which became the garbage, (屑) Anger4
似非教育硬直語の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ Anger of the fake Imperial Rescript on Education, (語) Anger5
カジノミックスの怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ Anger of the politics which loses Japanese dignity in a casino, (カ) Anger6
安倍友楽園の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ.Ⅳ Anger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather, (友) Anger7
虚妄罪の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ Anger of a false accusation by the government, (虚) Anger8
証人come onの怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ Anger of not summoning witness, (証) Anger9
準強姦政権与党の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ.Ⅳ.Ⅴ.Ⅵ.Ⅶ Anger to Demonic politicians, (姦) Anger10
安倍加計闇憲法の怒り Anger of Abe-mafia constitution in Japan, ,(憲) Anger11
不安政の大賊の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ Anger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits,(賊) Anger12
錆びたアトムの怒り Anger of a dream-broken Astro Boy,(錆) Anger13
経済惨状省の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debt,(惨) Anger14
日銀融の怒り Anger of the melting Bank of Japan,(融) Anger15
日日是公日蓮の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ.Ⅳ.Ⅴ Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good ,,(蓮) Anger16
国亡論外交の怒り Anger of ridiculous diplomacy of destroying a country ,(亡) Anger17
色即税空の怒り Anger of which all taxes are empty ,(税) Anger18
狂育直後の怒り Anger of the result of crazy educational administration ,(狂) Anger19
沖の傷縄の怒り Anger of the wounds made between Japan and the US after the war ,(沖) Anger20
毒読新聞の怒り Anger of the poisonous newspaper ,(毒) Anger21
骨化公闇委員会の怒り Anger of the National Public Safety Commission which became a skeleton ,(骨) Anger22
文喝上庁の怒り Anger of the Agency for Cultural Affairs which blackmail culture ,(喝) Anger23
メガ・パンクの怒り Anger of the negative bank that is fundamentally bankrupt,(パ) Anger24
未決神の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ.Ⅳ Anger of the decision that needs to be judged by God someday,(決) Anger25
吽告解の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet,(吽) Anger26
No判定省庁のuMeの怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ Anger of the government office not wearing panties,(判) Anger27
司亡丸暴の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ Anger of the Ministry of Justice which is a perfect gangster(暴) Anger28
騙し堕マスコミの怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses(堕) Anger29
外国の日本の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ Anger of Japan which became a foreign country in Japanese people,(外) Anger30
非ノ本一致の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ Anger for the consistency of cruel speech and behavior in Japan,(非) Anger31
五輪の諸行の怒り Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic,(輪) Anger32
靖らかならざる国の怒り Ⅰ.Ⅱ Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful,(靖) Anger33
平令の断簡の怒り Anger of facts thrown away between Heisei and Reiwa,(断) Anger34
死脳哄笑の怒り Anger at the hierarchy of deadly mockery,(笑) Anger35
二重世紀の怒り Anger of another century hidden behind the conveyed facts,(重) Anger36
防英霊省の怒り Anger at the ministry defending the spirits of war dead more than the living people,(防) Anger37
更生Load省の怒り Anger of Ministry which puts a burden on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's rehabilitation,(生) Anger38
内奏無省の怒り Anger for the Ministry of Home Affairs without reports,(奏) Anger39
大見本帝国の怒り Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nation,(帝) Anger40
五大陸の小人の怒り Anger of the dwarfs named COVID-19 on five continents,(小) Anger41