Piyo Piyo uMe A la carte sections

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【PiyoPiyo uMe】 Contents by the genre -Ⅱ

2018年05月13日 12時47分56秒 | PiyoPiyo uMe A la ca

【PiyoPiyo uMe】 Contents by the genre -Ⅱ

No.  Title        Translation                       

103    安倍記念教育お得区    Region of education who became a victim of Abe
107    孝行せえ未来会議    The future high school student is dutiful to the country
113    ABE賭け学園    Abenomics gambling school
118    進撃の教育勅語    Attack of Imperial Rescript on Education

102    ノンポリス国家    Nation without the police

124    聖火非火    Is Olympic torch is justice or evil? That is the question

116    外務伏魔殿で省    Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the devil lurking
117    大阪バカ万博構想    Osaka fool Expo
123    総無視省    ◆Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications which ignores citizens
147    こんな非道たち    Such unreasonable people

126    東京地検徳死捜部    Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office with dead virtue

114    創刊!!! 文ゲス春秋    First issue!!! An anthology of vulgar prose named as "Bunshame"

112    素読売り新聞    Newspapers for learning Chinese

122    永遠の舌禍    Eternal trouble by slip of tongue

101 必殺!! 自民印象操作 An assassination technology of the LDP called impression manipulation
104 2/3分でできる改憲 Constitution that can be amended in between 2/3 minutes
106 日本カジノ維新 Japanese restoration for Casino
108 今日謀議罪 Crime on today's conspiracy
120 自民治安維持法 Law justifying the fraud of Liberal Democrats
127 自公都合 Own convenience of LDP and Komeito
134 日本ハジノ維新 Shameful revolution in Japan
138 サクラ策 The plan to make fake cherry blossoms bloom
139 アベノミクス-マイナス法案Abenomics-Minus law bill
145 馬鹿らし方革命 Ridiculous Revolution
148 偽装五輪 Disguised Olympic Games
151 お笑い内閣総理大臣杯 The medal issued by the Cabinet that is being laughed at by citizens

105    あそこのわらひ    Laugh of the Cabinet's genitals
109    安倍等テロ準備罪    Crime of terrorism that Abe and his friends prepared for
110    ズブズブの官邸    Official residence deeply involved in wrongdoing
111    コリャナンダー官傍観長官    Chief Cabinet Secretary as a bystander who likes Coriander  
115    恥生田官房副長官    Deputy Secretary of Cabinet Secretary whom overcoated with the shame more
119    お茶の子さいさい内閣    Cabinet like the piece of cake
121    内閣崩政局    Collapsed Government
125    保晋解散    Dissolution of the National Assembly due to Abe's self-protection
133    必殺仕事死人内閣    Death of the cabinet which should work by all means

135 準強姦傍観菅房長官    Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga with hiding rape sin
142 紛い物が次々出てくるアベ政権    Abe Administration with many imitations and crooks
146 アベソソウ内閣    The cabinet full of Abe's blunder

    death公約    lethal pledge
129    この苦肉を守り抜く    Desperation measure to defend this country 

130 ペ天使たちのささやき The whisper of swindlers like an angel
131 グーチョキパー選択選挙 Diet member election to decide by rock-paper-scissors
152 ウ総選挙 The general election that chose bullfinches

132    【無民党】 The political party without politicians

136 浅はかさサカス Awful shame of Akasakas
137 紅白うたがひ合戦 Questionable song battle where red team and white team compete

140  そんなパナマ Oh, absurd Panama

141 ハゲの皮 Wolf wearing a little sheep's clothes

143    iPSもんじゅ Induced pluripotent nuclear plant

144    国難癖通常国会 The ordinary Diet session of a government that disguised a national crisis 

149   ニッポン罪団 Sinful Japan Foundation

150   …だからクジ ... Therefore it is a lotteryn




Piyo Piyo uMe A la carte section101~150  ▲

Piyo Piyo uMe A la carte section1~100  ▼

【PiyoPiyo uMe】 Contents by the genre