聞きましたか? このニュース! 2020年12月02日 07時14分32秒 | 日記 1週間ほど前、アメリカのユタ州にモノリスが発見されました。 でも、数日で取り除かれ、 Mystifying monolith found amid Utah rocks2020: Another Oddity. Wildlife officials in Utah were in a remote area counting sheep from a helicopter when they discovered a shiny metal monolith that looks straight out of a Sta…nypost.com 今度はルーマニアで見つかりました。 誰が何のために置いたのか不明だそうです。 Another Mysterious Monolith Suddenly Appears — This Time In RomaniaNot long after a metal object appeared without explanation in the Utah desert, it disappeared. Now, locals in Piatra Neamt say they have found a similar monolith, and answers remai…www.npr.org 同一の物かは分かりませんが、 家ではエイリアンの仕業だと盛り上がってます。 #アメリカ #ルーマニア #モノリス #エイリアン « 知人の離婚話4 | トップ | 悪知恵がついてきた3歳児 »
Mystifying monolith found amid Utah rocks2020: Another Oddity. Wildlife officials in Utah were in a remote area counting sheep from a helicopter when they discovered a shiny metal monolith that looks straight out of a Sta…nypost.com
Another Mysterious Monolith Suddenly Appears — This Time In RomaniaNot long after a metal object appeared without explanation in the Utah desert, it disappeared. Now, locals in Piatra Neamt say they have found a similar monolith, and answers remai…www.npr.org
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