

Women lead just 11% of major US audits

米国上場企業の監査について調べたところ、女性が監査の筆頭パートナーである割合は、男性の9分の1程度でしかないという記事。 CFA Instituteという団体が調査したそうです。

Research into the lead engagement partners for audits of the top US companies found men outnumber women almost nine to one

S&P 500に含まれる会社(調査対象409社)のうち、女性が監査の筆頭パートナーである会社は75社(15%)にすぎません。S&P 100になると、その割合は11%にまで下がってしまいます。

Out of 409 of Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (S&P 500) surveyed just 15% – a total of 75 – of the lead engagement partners were women, according to global investment association the CFA Institute.

This figure dropped to 11% for top 100 companies (S&P 100).


PwC 15.6%、KPMG 12.5%、デロイト 8.3%、(セクハラ疑惑が報じられた)EYは最低の7.1%となっています。

PwC audited 32% of the S&P 100 and had the highest percentage of female lead engagement partners with 15.6%. KPMG audited just 16% of S&P 100 but had the next highest percentage of female audit partners at 12.5%.

Deloitte held almost a quarter (24%) of the top 100 audits but had just 8.3% of the female audit partners while EY, which conducted more than a quarter (28%) of the top 100 audits, had just 7.1% of the female engagement partners.


監査契約継続年数が長いほど女性の割合が低いという傾向もあるそうです。S&P 100の会社では、継続年数が75年超の会社では、女性の筆頭パートナーはひとりもおらず、40年超の会社(36社ある)では、3人しかいなかったそうです。

The report also revealed that none of the S&P 100 companies with audit relationships longer than 75 years had female lead engagement partners and only three of the 36 companies with audit relationships exceeding 40 years did.

S&P 500の会社も同様の傾向で、継続年数が75年超の会社(36社)には、女性の筆頭パートナーはおらず、40~75年の会社では6人しかいなかったそうです。

This was mirrored in the top 500 companies, with none of the 36 with audit relationships longer than 75 years having a woman lead, and six with audit relationships between 40 and 75 years.




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