What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

The living gods are very angry now

2020-04-22 06:06:06 | 日記


Wednesday, 22nd of April, 2020

I was taught about Jesus Christ and Himiko's tomb who watched over Jesus' tomb, and I have told you about that.

Now is the time to oblige and worship the spirits of the ancestors' gods honestly, but I can see that gods are enraged with the acts of stupid humans trying to bend god's plans. 

And they will show humans much more foolishness of continuing to ignore.

The theory of Yamatai kingdom representing Orion The Stone structure remains of Himiko's tomb was found!

On the 7th of April that a state of emergency was declared,

Mr. Sogo Yamana (山名宗悟), Mayor of Kamikawa Town, and

Mr. Toshiaki Kirizuki (桐月利昭) ,Chairman of the Oyama Property Zone, Kamikawa Town,  

from both names, I received a document that told me to backfill the remains of Himiko.


A stone structure remains appeared in the Himiko's tomb, but I promptly decided to follow the order and backfilled it.

I was made to create the book "邪馬台国オリオン座説 (The theory of Yamatai kingdom representing Orion)" with the intention of God, but almost everyone seems disinterested ... It's regrettable.

Ancient stone structure remains have appeared from the place taught by God's bidding.

邪馬台国オリオン座説(The theory of Yamatai kingdom representing Orion) 


① 魏志倭人伝(Gishiwajinden )・邪馬台国への旅程( Itinerary to Yamataikoku)

② ベテルギウスはイエスの陵墓(Betelgeuse is the Jesus'tomb)

③ 仁徳天皇の歌に隠された光通信基地 (Optical communication base hidden in the waka poets of Emperor Nintoku))

④ 卑弥呼の墓の石組遺構(Stone structure remains of Himiko's tomb

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