What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Empress Kōmyō's mother, Inukaino Michiyo's tomb is on top of mountain in Ojigahata, Taga-Cho, Shiga

2020-08-20 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Thursday, 20th of August, 2020

I received an email from Ms. F in Tokyo.


Dear Mr. Uemori,


Thank you very much for posting your blog, I am thrilled and excited to read it with joy every time.


I've participated in the tour to visit Mary's tomb before.


Recently, you have written about the people, I'm interested in, from Fujiwara no Fuhito (藤原不比等) to Empress Kōmyō (光明皇后) and others, which makes me more curious, so I'm sending you this desultory e-mail.


Are you going to explore also the subject of Agata Inukaino Michiyo (縣犬養三千代) as known as Tachibana (橘), whom I am most curious about and use as my pen name?


I'm very curious about Inukaino Michiyo, even I don't have any her data, and I don't know why but the images of Sirius, Tachibana (橘), and Dog come to me.


I hope that one day you will also find a place where Lady Inukaino Michiyo rests.

Thank you very much in advance and best regards.


The email was sent to me just as I was finishing my research on where Empress Kōmyō's mother was resting.

It was on top of a steep mountain in Ōaza Ojigahata (大君ヶ畑), Taga-Cho, Shiga Prefecture, wasn't it?

From the figure below, I was able to determine its location.

Kukai (空海) knew about all this, didn't he? ....Kukaiin (空海院)has appeared.

Mr. Takebe, it seems that we've been summoned again.

The gods were very jealous persons and seemed to be waiting for us saying, "When will you come to our place?"

They are drawing the Winter Triangle of Sirius (Canis Major), Procyon (Canis minor), and Betelgeuse.

The contour lines of the Mother Michiyo's tomb and Mary's tomb have the same atmosphere.

It is the shape of a bag.

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