What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Light comes and goes between Mt. Kōmyōzan and Mt. Atagoyama in Yabu City

2020-08-11 06:06:06 | 日記


Tuesday, 11th of August, 2020

There are no mountains that interrupt light between Mt. Kōmyōzan (光明山), where the underground temple of Empress Kōmyō is located, and Mt. Atagoyama (愛宕山), where the main shrine of Atago Shrine is located.

They were able to perform optical communication with each other, between the two mountains.

The underground temple was undoubtedly built to face Mt. Atagoyama.

It is astonishing that the layout drawing of the underground temple and its orientation as captured by the specially made zero magnetic field L-rod core is the same without even in the 1-degree deviation.

I don't know whether the full extent of the temple will be revealed one day or not, but I am looking forward to it.

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