What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Tendai sect, as well as Shingon sect, worshiped Fujiwara no Fuhito! But now no one care. No time!

2020-04-15 06:06:06 | 日記


Wednesday, 15th of April, 2020

The three points of the tomb of Fujiwara no Fuhito (藤原不比等), Kofuku-ji temple (興福寺), and Sōzen-ji temple (崇禅寺) draw a right triangle that is part of a regular pentagon.

And, the tomb of Fujiwara no Fuhito (藤原不比等)Sōzen-ji temple (崇禅寺) and Gayain (伽耶院) draw a right triangle of 1: 1: √2.

These are the planned temple arrangement by the ancestors.

I will not explain it in detail. Please solve it yourself.

No matter how much time I spend writing and writing, it seems like I'm in a world of self-satisfaction ... Please solve it yourself.

To those who always supports me, please call me anytime.

This is a divine mechanism.

What's going to happen... There seems to be no need or time to tell people who think of nothing on the sidelines.

To Mr. Miyazaki, and Mr. Fujii, always work, the location information is 100% correct.

Get ready!

God has long told me that we have no time.

God seems to help only those who act as hand and foot of God.

Betelgeuse is the tomb of Jesus Christ! 

Complete elucidation of Yamataikoku!

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