English Conversation ( 3 )( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito /~Impportant Phreses~/one more time./ This time of year./ all the time./ as long as you want./ I work out at the gym./ make a mess./ in that case./ Date:2024.16.January./
- Gifu / Restaurant 11時間前
- Gifu / Restaurant 11時間前
- Gifu / Restaurant 11時間前
- Gifu / Restaurant 11時間前
- Gifu / Shopping 11時間前
- Gifu / Hospital 11時間前
- Gifu / Hospital 11時間前
- Gifu / Hospital 11時間前
- Gifu / Hospital 11時間前
- Gifu / Restaurant 2日前