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Gifu / Haiku Lesson

2023-11-24 17:11:45 | 日記

Haiku Lesson ( 俳句教室)/Date and time:2023.11.24.13:30pm~15:00pm./ Place:Warakuen/ Lectuer.Mrs.Chieko Kose/ Content:Theme [ Nitataboko] One phrese :[ Free phrase] Three phrese/ Lectuer selected my Haiku: Special Prize [ 日向ぼこ五体満足八十伍」Special prize [ 人生の休みの時間日向ぼこ」/ Next Theme [ Kuma ]/





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Gifu /Restaurant

2023-11-24 17:06:29 | 日記

Restaurant " Baresi" ( バレージ)/ Cusine name:Italian meals/ Service:Good. / Piza and Paste lunch set:Taste very good./ Price:2100yen ( including one shochu)/ Atomosphere:Common/ Value:★★★/ Date:2023.11.24.11:40am~13:00pm./






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Gifu / English Lesson

2023-11-24 16:44:05 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Date and Time:2023.11.24.10:00am~11:30am./Place:Warakuen/ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shich/ Content:Greting.How the weather? What day today ? / Content:Lectuer message to me[ I am storong in body] [ I am in storong health] [ I am fit and well] [ I am good health.] [ I am in good health] [ Keep a healthy body] / Content:Black Friday is a colloquial term for the Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States.It traditionally marks the start of the Christmas Shopping season in the United States. Many stores offer highly promoted sales at discounted prices and often open early, sometimes as early as midnight or even on Thankgiving. Store's sales continue to Monday or for a week. Black Friday has routinely been the busiest shopping day of year in the United States./Content:Can / Could.Do.does.did:can could: Will :Would. Shall :Should.May.Must:might./Content:Ask permission or make a request/ Content:Could you / Would you like: Would you like country farm bead or balsamic rice? I'll have the rice./ Would you like onion soup or a house salad? I'll have the salad./Content:There's or There are/

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Gifu / Bank

2023-11-24 16:38:02 | 日記

Bank " Yucho Bank Bairin Branch " ( ゆちょ銀行梅林支店)/ Purpose:Transfer to Wine Club by ATM/ Purpose:Withdrawel to money by ATM./ Date:2023.11.24.9:20am~9:30am./





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English Conversation ( 3 )

2023-11-24 07:04:45 | 日記

English Conversation ( 3 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer,Mr.Syuichi Ito/~Natural talk~/ ~Shuld be~ shu be~/ You should be happy with the results./ He should be with you in a few minutes./ I should be leaving now. Thanks for lunch./ The business cards should be ready in a few days./ Date:2023.24.November./

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