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Gifu / Shopping

2020-12-13 18:22:44 | 日記

Shopping " Genki " Nagara Branch ( 元気長良店)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Place: The Genki Nagara Branch is located to the north of the Nagara Branch./A kind of Things: Foods. Oil.Candy./How much number: One olive oil .Four Nato case. four Candy bags./Price:1600yen./How to payment:Card./Date:2012.12.13.15:30pm~16:00pm./






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Gifu / Shopping

2020-12-13 18:11:39 | 日記

Shopping " Uniquro " Nagara Branch ( ユニクロ長良店)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Place: The Uniquro Nagara Branch is located to the west of Gifu Kita Police Department./ A kind of things : Clothing trousers./ How much number: Three pieces/Price:3300yen./How to payment:Card./Date:2020.12.13.14:30pm~15:00pm./





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Gifu / Rental Shop

2020-12-13 17:59:44 | 日記

Rental Shop " Geo " ( レンタルショップ”ゲオ”)”)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Place:The Rental Shop "Geo " is located to the east of the Gifu Kita Police Deapartment./A kind of Rental:Movie Video Name " Soso" made in China/Service:Selfservice./How many:Five pices./Price:550yen./Pay ment:Cash/Return period and return day:2020,12.27./Visit Date:2020.12.13.13:30pm~14:00pm/


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Gifu / English Conversation in Movie

2020-12-13 08:20:37 | 日記

English Coversation in Movie ( 映画で英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito ( Anna and Snow'squeen )~ Frezon ~ ( Body ) Equinox equator equation equal equalizer / Nature cllame. I am quite sure that..../ Cozy / nasty / naughty / sneaky / dizzy / bulky / fuzzy / fizzy /catchy / handy / tidy / Bumpy / goody / To make it clear,I suggest that.../ Could you .../ Would you...? /Can I go to bathroom ? Yes,you can. But,you may not./Jim-James. Ted-Edward . Bill-William. Betty-Elizabeth. Sally-Sara./Suzie -Susan./Date:2020.12.13./

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Gifu / English Lesson

2020-12-13 08:01:51 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lecture.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( Simple English ) ~ about Japan and its society~ / How long does it taken from Tokyo to Osaka by the Shinkansen ?  It takes about three hours./ Kyoto is a very nice place for sightseeing,isn't it ? / Is housing very expensive in the major cities in Japan ? I think so.Especially Tokyo is very expensive./ What are popular sports in Japan ? Baseball and soccer are very popular./ Can you recommend a good sports club in this area ? Well.I really don't know. Ask ichiro. He's familiar with sports clubs around here./ What's Golden Week ? It is a week of national holidays from April 29 to May 5./ How cold does it get in winter in Tokyo ? I gets down to minus 1 to 2 degrees.I don't think you need a thick overcoat./ Date:2020.12.13./

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