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GreenTechSupport News from IESSGK


2009-01-31 01:41:37 | Weblog
[TODAY'S NEWS] quoted from "The Japan Times" 2009.01.30

*U.S. House OKs $819 billion stimulus bill
Obama passes first major test; Congress split along party lines

The U.S. House of Representatives approved an $819 billion stimulus package
on a near party-line vote Wednesday, a plan breathtaking in size and scope
that President Barack Obama hopes to make the cornerstone of his efforts
to resuscitate the staggering economy.

breathtaking---quoted from "英辞郎"
・It's a breathtaking car. 《車の販売店ですごい車を見て》すごい車だなあ。>
・There's a breathtaking view from the top of the hill. その丘の上からは、息をのむほどの眺めが見える。
・The doctors resuscitated the unconscious boy. 医師団は、意識不明の少年を蘇生させた。

*Grim reversal from previous year's 3Q profit
Sony buffeted by 18 billion loss

Sony Corp. said Thursday that it posted an 18 billion group operating loss for
the third quarter that ended in December as its mainline electronics
business was battered by the higher yen, the global recession and stiff competition.


2009-01-29 20:50:11 | Weblog
[TODAY'S NEWS] quoted from "The Japan Times" 2009.01.29
*MSDF told to gear up for Somalia
Patrols against pirates may start in March
Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada on Wednesday ordered the Maritime
Self-Defense Force to prepare to deploy a task force off Somalia to patrol
for pirates.

*gear up for---quoted from "英辞郎"

*Electronics giant to see first red ink in six years
Panasonic group to log loss in '08.

Panasonic Corp. is expected to report a consolidated net loss of tens of billions of yen
for the 2008 business year, its first loss in six years, due to the stronger yen
and a shirinking cosumer electronics market, industry sources said Wednesday.

・They are logging for firewood and building materials. 彼らは薪用と建築材料用に木を伐採している。
・My car logged more than 50000 miles before the odometer broke. 私の車は走行距離計が壊れるまでに
・The ship logged 20 knots upwind. その船は向かい風で20ノットを出した。
・I logged 20 years of military service. 兵役に20年間就いた
*consolidated net loss
連結純損失 (親会社と子会社の損失を結合したもの---注:Inoue)


2009-01-28 22:35:08 | Weblog
[TODAY'S NEWS] quoted from "The Japan Times" 2009.01.28
*Obama to roll back Bush emission rules
U.S. president also vows to act quickly on conflict in Mideast
President Barack Obama set out on an ambitious path to cutting greenhouse gases, ordering a review of Bush administration roadblocks on tougher state auto emissions rules and moving toward requiring cars to use less gas.


2009-01-27 22:16:20 | Weblog
[TODAY'S NEWS] quoted from "The Japan Times" 2009.01.27
*Diet poised to OK second extra budget
¥2 trillion handout program likely to pass over opposition protest
The Diet was set Monday to approve over the strong protests of opposition parties
a second supplementary budgdet for fiscal 2008 that includes Prime Minister
Taro Aso's controversial ¥2 trillion cash handout.

poised to---quoted from "英辞郎"
《be ~》~する用意[態勢]ができている、~する態勢にある、~する構えだ、~することに意気揚々とする


2009-01-24 12:54:43 | Weblog
水平引込み式クレーン(max 150t):水平引込線図、クレモナ線図等を
**圧力容器構造規格:一種,二種,熱交等 *ASME(Ⅷ,Ⅱ,Ⅸ,Ⅴ):DIV.1準拠
**BS(PD)5500準拠:局部応力,潜水艇 *API620,650準拠 *TEMA準拠:熱交
& UOP等
*"MS EXCEL" にて 各種書式,各種計算書作成
*パソコン指導:MS Office Specialist EXCEL/WORD Expert


2009-01-07 23:30:16 | Weblog

[as ~] quoted from "英辞郎"
as to ~に関しては、~については、~に応じて
・I am not sure as to what to do after graduating. 卒業後、何をするかはまだ決めていない。
as of ~現在で、(~を基点として)それ以後は
・He has obtained two thousand votes in the election as of 7p.m. 彼は7時現在で2000票を得ている。
・We had the following balances with you as of December 31st, 19__. 貴社との勘定残高は19_年12月31日現在で以下のとおりです。
・This agreement made as of September 4, 2002, by and between X and Y. 本契約は2002年9月4日に X 社と Y 社との間で締結された。
as in (例えば)~などで、~したりする目的で、~などの場合、~において見られるような、~にあるような
as above 上記の[以上の・前述の・上の・先に述べた・既述]ように[とおり(に)・ごとく]、このように
・We decided as (stated [described, mentioned, remarked]) above. 以上のように決定しました。
as at ~時点で
・The following is the balance sheet as at 31 December 2003. 以下に示すのは2003年12月31日時点の貸借対照表です。
as for ~に関しては、~はどうかと言うと
・As for me, I don't like that actress. 私はどうかと言うと、あの女優は好みではない。
as from ~より◆ある日付または時刻以後◆【同】as of
・Mr. Armstrong has been appointed as vice-president as from March 1. アームストロング氏が3月1日をもって副社長に任命されました。
as is 【1】そのままで、現状どおりで、保障なしで
・I'll take the car as is and do the repairs myself. 私は車をそのまま持って帰って、自分で修理します。
as per ~により、~のように
・As per my previous note, I have estimated the redesign costs. 先のメールのとおり、再設計コストの見積もりを行った。
as such そのようなものとして、それ自体は◆【用法】語句がその状態・条件にぴったり当てはまらないことを示すとき(大抵は否定的に)、または、別個に考慮されることを示すときに使われる。
・You're our representative at the conference, and as such, you're expected to defend our interests. あなたは会議で私たちの代表なのだから、代表として、私たちの利益を守るよう期待されている。
as with ~のように、~と同様に
・As with a rainbow, you can perceive it but never touch it. 虹と同様、それを見ることはできても触れることはできない。
・As with much of Japanese culture, this art also has its roots in China. この芸術も多くの日本文化と同様に中国がルーツです。
・With the V6 engine installed transversely between the front wheels, exactly as with our 4-cylinder engines, weight distribution is favorable and handling and ride are excellent. 4気筒エンジンと全く同様に、前輪の間に V6エンジンを横置きに取り付けることにより、重量配分がうまく行える上に、操舵性や乗り心地もよくなっています。
・Yet as with many cliches, it happens to be true. けれどもやはり決まり文句には何がしかの真実が含まれているものです。
as yet 今(まで)のところは◆通例否定文で用いる。
・As yet, we have received no contact from the missing climbers. 今までのところ、行方不明の登山者から何の連絡も入っていない。


2009-01-05 18:12:46 | Weblog
   Today's News in The Japan Times
Israel begins land offensive in Gaza Strip
Tanks, soldiers penetrate deep into territory
Today's Editorial in The Japan Times
Open book on screening
The Textbook Authorization Council has submitted to education minister
Ryu Shionoya proposals designed to make the textbook screening prosess
more transpatent.
The proposals are inadequate and may pose the danger of increasing the
secretiveness of the process.
Voice of local assemblies
Local assemblies are an important part of local autonomy. But they often
just rubber-stamp proposals made by governors or mayors. The local
goverment system research committee, an advisory body to the prime
minister, has been discussing how to make local assemblies responsive
to the real needs and wishes of local residents.
Kurdish aspirations for greater autonomy were under heavy fire on two fronts.
The people of Quebec are seeking autonomy.


2009-01-05 17:20:30 | Weblog

<marquee width="75%" behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrolldelay="100" scrollamount="20" loop="10" bgcolor="#ffff00">Today's News in TJT</marquee>

Russia-Ukraine row slows gas flow to EU
Europe urges 'immediate resumption' of supplies
Today's Editorial in TJT
A bloody new year in Gaza
So much for the idea that a new year marks a new beginning. Days into 2009,
the world has witnessed another bloody attack by Israel on the Gaza Strijp, an
assault triggered by senseless provocations by Hamas.