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GreenTechSupport News from IESSGK


2009-01-05 18:12:46 | Weblog
   Today's News in The Japan Times
Israel begins land offensive in Gaza Strip
Tanks, soldiers penetrate deep into territory
Today's Editorial in The Japan Times
Open book on screening
The Textbook Authorization Council has submitted to education minister
Ryu Shionoya proposals designed to make the textbook screening prosess
more transpatent.
The proposals are inadequate and may pose the danger of increasing the
secretiveness of the process.
Voice of local assemblies
Local assemblies are an important part of local autonomy. But they often
just rubber-stamp proposals made by governors or mayors. The local
goverment system research committee, an advisory body to the prime
minister, has been discussing how to make local assemblies responsive
to the real needs and wishes of local residents.
Kurdish aspirations for greater autonomy were under heavy fire on two fronts.
The people of Quebec are seeking autonomy.


2009-01-05 17:20:30 | Weblog

<marquee width="75%" behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrolldelay="100" scrollamount="20" loop="10" bgcolor="#ffff00">Today's News in TJT</marquee>

Russia-Ukraine row slows gas flow to EU
Europe urges 'immediate resumption' of supplies
Today's Editorial in TJT
A bloody new year in Gaza
So much for the idea that a new year marks a new beginning. Days into 2009,
the world has witnessed another bloody attack by Israel on the Gaza Strijp, an
assault triggered by senseless provocations by Hamas.