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GreenTechSupport News from IESSGK

news/notes 2009.02.06

2009-02-06 23:35:04 | Weblog
*[news/notes] 2009.02.06
*L&G execs arrested over investor fraud//*quoted from "The Japan Times"
Alleged scam netted billions for company
The chaiirman and executives of bankrupt of Tokyo-based bedding supplier
L&G K.K. were arrested Thursday on suspicion of defrauding investors.

**scam//****quoted from "英辞郎"
・The court yesterday sentenced a man to a year in prison for his role in a
telemarketing scam in which more than 300,000 dollars was stolen from an
elderly Texas resident. 裁判所は昨日、テキサス在住の老人から30万ドル以上をだまし取った
*Team uses stem cells to cure paralyzed mice
A team at Keio University has used stem cells to cure mice Whose hind legs
were paralyzed due to spinal cord damage, the researchers reported
Wednesday at a Tokyo symposium.
The team transplanted neural stem cells grown from human iPS cells.

・The doctor said her memory loss was due to a neural disorder.

news/notes 2009.02.05

2009-02-06 02:22:12 | Weblog
*[top] Hyogo man denied by 14 hospitals dies//**quoted from
"The Japan Times"2009.02.05
69-year-old latest victim of short-handed medical system
A 69-year-old man hurt in a traffic accident in Hyogo Prefecture died
last month after being refused treatment by 14 hospitals, a local fire
department said wednesday, providing yet another sign that the
nation's emergency medical care services are failing.

**short-handed//**quoted from "英辞郎"

*Panasonic terminating 15,000 jobs worldwide
Panasonic Corp. said Wednesday it is reducing 15,000 jobs worldwide,
about 5 percent of its workforce, by the end of March 2010 as it
expects to lose 380 billion in the business year ending in March.
**business year