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news/notes 2009.02.03

2009-02-03 20:20:50 | Weblog
*[top] Japan saw January auto sales fall 28%//*quoted from
"The Japan Times"2009.02.03
Domestic sales of new vehicles plunged 27.9 percent in January
from a year earlier to 174,281 units, the biggest monthly drop since
May 1974 and the largest ever for a January, as the widening global
recession continued to dent demand, an industry body said Monday.
**plunge//**quoted from "英辞郎"
・The U.S. dollar plunged against the yen.
・Because of the Socialist Party's victory in the election, prices
plunged on the Paris stock market.

*Asama has mild eruption; ash reaches Kanto
Mount Asama, straddling Gunma and Nagano prefectures, had a
minor eruption early Monday from its summit crater, sending ash
as far as Tokyo and Yokohama in the southern Kanto region, the
Meteorological Agency said.
*Sumo fires wrestler in pot arrest
The Japan Sumo Association on Monday fired second-division
wrestler Wakakirin following his arrest last week for possession
of marijuana.
#[editorial] The upside of negative thinking//#quoted from
"MACHINE"January 8, 2009
By now most of us are fed up with hearing about chronic bad
decision-making at automotive and financial firms. But for all the
rhetoric about the wheels coming off Detroit and the credit market,
critics have missed one point: Both situations can be chalked up to
too much optimism.
That conclusion can be drawn from a body of work that suggests
managers typically underplay obvious uncertainties, thinking they
have more control over their firm's performance than is really the
case. Managers also tend to be too optimistic about their firm's
performance because they are highly committed to it.

**feed up with the profession 仕事に飽き飽きする
・Management of the company and decision-making shall be done under
the instructions of JAMES with effect from 1 July 1998 while Mr. A and
Mr. B remains as directors. 《契約書》会社の経営および意思決定は、
JAMES の指示に従って行い、A氏およびB氏が取締役として残留中、

news/notes 2009.02.02

2009-02-03 00:12:40 | Weblog
*[top] Davos hears free trade plea//*quoted from "The Japan times"
Global leaders engaging in a subtle form of protectionism
The world may be on the brink of a gentler kind of trade war.
In 1930, Congress fired the first shot in a protectionism battle
that prolonged and deepened the Great Depression. After passing
a bill aimed at saving American jobs by effectively barring
20,000 imported goods including French dresses and Argentine
butter, other nations retaliated by raising their own barriers
on U.S. products, effectively bringing gloval commerce to a halt.

**Davos//**quoted from "英辞郎"
(World Economic Forum)と諸問題を討議する会議になった
**on the brink of
・Four major insurance companies are on the brink of bankruptcy. 四つの大手保険会社が倒産の危機に瀕していた。
・The man retaliated by swearing when the dog bit him on the leg.
・The man retaliated by swearing when the dog bit him on the leg.

[editorial] *Ambitious satellite launch
Using an H2A rocket, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA) on Jan. 24 launched the world's first artificial satellite to
observe greenhouse-gas emissins worldwide. The satellite, named
Ibuki (Breath), is scheduled to function for at least five years.
It will make great contributions to deepening the understanding
of golbal warming and to devising ways to combat it.