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The young man's scalp premature aging

2013-08-20 16:49:07 | 日記
Hair loss is often give the impression of age or physical function decline consequences, but the hair loss is not the elderly "patent", survey appeared signs of incipient baldness approximately three adult at thirty years of age, and scalp "prematurely senile.". Unfortunately, people tend to underestimate the severity of hair loss problems, even believe in the recipe, ineffective over, even failed to grasp the good treatment opportunity, reverse hair loss problem in the hair follicle necrosis of.
The internal and external factors make the hair of accelerated aging
Healthy hair growth cycle can be divided into three stages: growth period, catagen and telogen. The new hair forming the old hair follicles and shedding is introduced, which is a normal phenomenon. But when the hair tissue aging, hair follicle number will be reduced, hair growth will slow down, and hair young with wire. Often hair becomes sparse and the hair will be fine, will aggravate the bald effect, characterization of show hair line shift real estate Philippines.
Department of Dermatology specialist Dr. Hou Junxiang pointed out: most of the cases were the hereditary hair loss alopecia caused by single in the United States, there are about eighty million people suffer from hair loss problems of different degree influence; but the rest is not the timing, pressure, too much alcohol, obesity and hormone changes and other factors, can accelerate hair tissue aging, make the hair loss problems and more young earlier, in some cases seen in 10 years old. Life and work stress, scalp appear "prematurely senile".
Hair loss not only affect the appearance, more with some negative image up, let patients with low self-esteem, avoid communicating with people, have a profound impact on the social life, work. In summer, the situation is more serious, since most people hair oil secretion increased, in the fierce sun, excess oil will highlight the problem of 'bald, hair loss to male' embarrassed Thailand real estate.
The misuse of folk prescription treatment prime time
Clinical found that many patients are due to the face and refused medical treatment, would rather try there various hearsay "recipe", such as hair loss position to brandy, ginger or garlic slices wipe; or with vinegar or salt water wash your hair, and even the use of honey and egg yolk into the "scalp film" help hair; also patients in the absence of the pharmacist advice to buy in the pharmacy some anti hair loss products, may be the loss outweighs the gain.
Most hair loss patients mistakenly believed that some anti hair loss products, spend a lot of money adventure. But these remedies and no clinical data to support, seemingly harmless ingredients, if processing is undeserved, also have the opportunity to cause inflammation of hair follicles and other risks. Some anti hair loss products that can make the hair regeneration, but no clinical evidence Turkey real estate.
It is reported, hair loss can be according to the sparsity of hair and hair loss area, divided into mild to severe alopecia hair loss from the first to the seven stage, the best treatment time should be in third or before treatment.