People who love art


Thin waist and a total of four steps

2013-06-26 00:34:25 | 日記
Although can handle meat meat around and around the waist, you can lose weight no matter how hard, disappointing small two full meal on an empty stomach, and back again. Have a flat tummy, not light with thin strokes, belly, more compact real symptoms and good way. Dance MM are recommended for a flat tummy 4 killer, come try it wedding planner class!

Step 1: body lying flat on the ground, hands raised in ears, but don't hold your breath. Feet up, bending the knee, thigh and abdominal angles less than 90 degrees. Abdominal lift upper body strength, speed to slow, repeated 15-20 times.

Step 2: body lying flat on the ground, his hands flat on the sides, feet lift, as first reserve. Hard drive move the pelvis from the waist to the left after the home, and then move to the right.

Step 3: body lying flat on the ground, feet and knees, buttocks lift the pelvis, slower. Height of the pelvis to the spine in a straight line, repeated more than 2O, hips or slightly acidic.

Step 4 legs supporting the ground, straighten the left leg backward, left leg hip gather. No on is too high, and the body in a straight line, attention to the abdomen is slightly more convergence, so as not to injure the spine under repeatedly about 2O times. Complete-for-right leg again.

Claire HsuNote:

1, this group is difficult, but effective. So in practice, depending on individual strength. Aspirant at the beginning each step action do it 10 times, and then, depending on the degree of adaptation-inducted GM.

2, except for breath in line with, and campaigns stay the slow movements of the muscles can be stretched in the air to achieve better results.

"The revolutionary plans of Hong Kong" Hong Kong rollout

2013-06-25 20:57:47 | 日記

Concept paper of April, after the show, announced that six sketches of long march planned, CHAN Kam-Hong Kong's first exhibition by Chinese artists prelude, exhibit their latest images and hand-painted works.

The works of the revolutionary plans of Hong Kong Dong Chan is a combination of images and hand-painted works of narrative. The plan tries to caption and formal simulate France "new fiction" writers luobogeliye (Alain Robbe-Grillet) plan of the revolution in New York (writer of most of the Chinese version was published by CHAN Kam-planning), it tells the story of a man on a secret mission in Hong Kong. The men have never been in contact with anyone related to the mandate, but has continued to receive instruction (for example, slips through, note). These instructions together into an increase of "sketches", from simple to complex to sketch a map of, step by step to direct the story of a guy with his mission ... ...

About Chen Dong

Chen Dong was born in 1962 in Hunan, Guangzhou Guangzhou BOR BOR Hess bookstores and founder of Hess bookstores contemporary art institutions, artists. Chen dong in 1979-1983 studied at the Guangzhou Academy of fine arts painting Department since 1986, began teaching in the Department so far. In 1992, planned to publish the series of experimental art, on the theory of contemporary art, film, photography, 1994 creation of BOR Hess bookstores, and in the name of the bookstore and actively promote activities and exhibitions of contemporary art. In 1998, set up a publishing Studio in cooperation with Lu Yi, and planning of the Middle Plexus, into France Editions de Minuit, in particular France's new novel works. Bookstore close relationship with contemporary art lead to Guangdong, it has organized numerous contemporary artists, divided into BOR Hess bookstores "as an institutional" bookstores and "works" bookshop. Being a "work" of BOR Hess bookstores had participated in the fourth Gwangju Biennale, and as "Canton express" part of the 50th Venice Biennale.