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Trace metal lead exceed the standard?

2013-08-02 19:18:33 | 日記

Trace metal lead exceed the standard? Water pollution survey
Be careful, the water may lead to water! Recently, the tap is burst detected "lead exceed the standard" event triggered widespread concern, many major suit have been shot in the bathroom. Found on the 13 water samples, 9 brands of water soaking water lead content exceeded the national standard. Among them, some taps lead superscalar amounted to 18 times; the brand lead precipitation was 173 g / L, exceed the standard 34 times, the most serious.
The tap is small, but is related to the safety of drinking water and family life of ordinary people health. According to the survey, currently on the market the main substrate tap is copper or alloy material, some unscrupulous manufacturers in order to reduce the cost, in order to lead brass inferior as raw material, in electroplating and other surface treatment process, and the use of heavy metals of lead, chromium and other elements, a wash of lead process and omitted before leaving the factory, so lead exceed the standard, long-term drinking lead water will threaten the safety of our drinking water and health buying property in Malaysia.
How to select qualified tap?
The dragons and fishes jumbled together faucet market chaos, experts recommend that consumers in the purchase, in addition to choose the regular building materials supermarket to buy famous brand products, but also pay attention to the sales staff for product testing report, brand identity and customer service service card. The most direct way is to select the regular manufacturers, has the authority of certification of products, such as the United States NSF (American National Sanitation Foundation), Canada CSA (Canadian Standards Association) certification is one of the most authoritative international certification.
In addition, but also through look, OK, try this three steps to simply judge the quality of a faucet.
Hope that in the environment of enough light, check the quality of electroplating water carefully. Electroplating bright good as a mirror, no burr, no scratch, the edge of the clear lines of smooth surface, such as by hand in the press, traces quickly fade.
It take the feel the tap weight in hand, good faucet handle heavy, rich texture. Bad business to increase wall thickness or add metal slip by, may refer to the product testing report to judge.
Try the test faucet switch handle and effluent. The valve core faucet is the key, can be gently try to turn the handle, if the feeling of light, no sense block the valve core hardness, wear resistance are better. Good water can make the air and water are fully mixed, the seaman feeling soft, low noise.