People who love art


The successful man's psychology

2013-08-22 14:59:43 | 日記
Mature and immature with age, it doesn't matter. Mature not mature, is that you can not stand each other's point of view to look at things, that could change my world into your world. The society has a lot of adults, is not out of childish behavior. A little thing will compete with others to fight.
The first character of human immature: is immediately to return brazil real estate for sale.
He doesn't know only sow in spring, autumn is harvest. Many people in doing anything, just pay a little bit, will soon be rewarded. (to learn the piano, learn English and so on, just started to feel difficult, found no, immediately give up.) A lot of people do business, start no results, you want to give up, give up some people a month, give up some three months during the first half of the year, some people give up, some people a year to give up, I don't understand why people give up too easily, but I know, to give up is a kind of habit, the habit of a typical loser. So you have to have a vision, to see farther, look to see the future!
People do not mature second characteristics: is not self-discipline.
The main performance is not disciplined in where?
A, unwilling to change their:
You change your way of thinking and behavior patterns. You have to change your bad habits. In fact, ability between people is not much difference, difference lies in the different ways of thinking. One thing happened, you ask the winners and losers, their answer is different, even contrary.
Today we don't succeed because of our way of thinking is not successful. A good formula is: when you are planting a thought seed, you will have the action of harvest, when you take action planted, you will have the habit of harvest, when you put the habit of planting continues, you will have the personality of the harvest, when you put the personality cultivation continues, will determine your fate.
But if you plant is one of the seeds of failure, you get is a failure, if you grow a successful seed, then you will be successful.
Many people have a lot of bad habits, such as: watch TV, play mahjong, drinking, foam dance, they also know that this habit is not good, but why they don't want to change? Because a lot of people would rather endure the way of life that is not good, is not willing to tolerate change pain.
Two, would like to talk about people behind their backs:
If in life, you like talking with others, one day will send it back, there is an old saying in China, on human non persons, is is not.
Three, negative, complain:
Do you like those people in life? Those sad, this complaint which people complain all day, or like the day happy people. If you are one of those who complain about in life, negative people, you must change the defect in your personality. If you don't change, it is very difficult to adapt to the society. You are also very difficult to cooperate with others.
Life, you know, how do you deal with life, life will treat you, how you treat others, how others will treat you. So you don't negative, complain. You must be active, always positive, is that sentence: successful people never complain, complain that will never succeed.