

Current Issues and how we can solve it.

2013-05-26 13:10:12 | Weblog
Problem ID:
We need to solve both climate change issue and economic issue at the same time.

There always exists economic reason behind climate change issue.

We have currently no control over Earth INCs and Fund Moneys, which is creating both economic and environmental issues.

Earth government, which is non-existent, needs to govern both Earth INCs and Fund Moneys.

Nothing is wrong with economic theory.

Everything is wrong with application of it.

Economic theory only works well in a nutshell environment as you know.

Right now we apply it on a nation basis, which is not a nutshell environment anymore.

However, when we apply it on Earth basis, which is a nutshell environment and thus it will work well.

Only thing we have to consider is that the assumptions of abundant resources and no limitations are still violated, which should be overcame by using the pollution model as far as I know.

If Earth Government governs both Earth INCs and Fund Moneys such as the followings, the world will become a lot better place to live with less suffering:

A. HRT (high frequency trading) is an act of cheating in my opinion or at least an un-fair practice, which currently nobody controls.
B. Because of both economic reasons and life style changes, deforestation in Amazon forests and forests in south Asia never stops, which contribute to the climate change. Mega-size hurricanes and tornados must have lots of things to do with it.

Act of high frequency trading is not acceptable based on business ethics and healthy competition in the financial market.

Only business activities aimed for ROI should be accepted including those of investors’.

HFT (high frequency trading) is just an act of shaking computer systems for the purpose of manipulating stock prices or influencing price stock prices, which unfortunately works now.

This creates unfair advantage to the Fund Money and it always wins in the financial market, which creates economic reasons for the working poor people and in the end creates necessity to cut trees or sell forests contributing to the climate change.

The main causes of deforestations are as follows:
1. Growing demands for bio-energy. (Palm tree planting by cutting trees of forests.)
2. Growing demands for meat= creating ranching space by cutting trees at rims of forests. ( Life Style Change)

Real causes are population over-growth and life style change (eating more meats).

Especially young people at developing countries imitate American life style of eating more meats through getting information via internet, TV, movies, and Fast Foods chains, etc.


Earth Government needs to control population growth, activities of Earth INCs and Fund Moneys.

For now, United Nations can deal with issue of population growth in my opinion.

G20 can deal with monopolistic powers of both Earth INCs and Fund Moneys through enforcing anti-monopoly laws on them.

As for Life Style Change, only American people can become a role model = eat more vegetables and less meat, please. Otherwise, all of us will suffer including you.
