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Episode of misunderstanding between Lisa and Rose

Episode of misunderstanding between Lisa and Rose 

BLACKPINK Lisa hurt Rose with her actions on the plane! ? What was meant to be kindness had the opposite effect... What was this action that made Rose sad? [movie]

★"Lisa was sleeping, so I slept too. I thought about putting up a partition, but I didn't really care, so I slept without using it, whether I wanted to sleep with her or not. But when I woke up, there was a partition. That's why I was so lonely. You cut me off.'' (Rose)

★"I used the partition for Rose, saying that I would do it for her when she woke up."
"I guess you were lonely. I'm sorry. Even if Rose raises the partition from now on, I'll take it down." (Lisa)

The more comfortable your relationship is, the more likely it is that misunderstandings will occur. I think children with wet sensibilities are more likely to make such assumptions than dry children.
Rosé probably has something like that.
I guess Lisa has a strong sense of discretion in that regard. If Rose had woken up first, she might have gotten lost and left her alone. What does Lisa think of it when she wakes up after...? She must have put in a partition because she felt like Rose had forgotten. She doesn't blame Rose, but she thinks it would be easier for her partner to sleep if she puts in a partition...
It can be said that this is an episode that is likely to occur when people from different countries (for example, people from Asia and Europe and America) become friends.
If you think of Lisa as a Western-type person and Rose as an Asian-type person, this episode might be easy to understand.

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