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Seohyun's "Petal Kiss" (Girls' Generation)

Seohyun's "Petal Kiss" (Girls' Generation)

Girls' Generation Seohyun and Lee Won-geun kiss on first meeting...drama "Passionate Love" trailer released

Girls' Generation's Seohyun shares a lovely kiss with Lee Won-geun in their first shoot in "Passionate Love".

After the broadcast of SBS weekend drama "Wonderful Mama" on the 7th, the trailer for the new weekend drama "Passionate Love" was released for the first time, and Seohyun and Lee Won-geun show off a lovely kiss, which has become a hot topic.

In the trailer, Han Yu-rim (Seohyun) and Kang Mu-yeol (Lee Won-geun) calmly mutter their own definition of love, conveying the original message that the drama "Passionate Love" wants to convey. In particular, the "petal kiss" scene between Han Yu-rim and Kang Mu-yeol, which was revealed at the end of the trailer, expressed the shyness and freshness of first love, further raising expectations for the drama.

The "petal kiss" scene was filmed when Seohyun and Lee Won-geun met for the first time. Since it was their first time meeting, the two looked shy and awkward, but they repeatedly filmed the kiss scene to express the fresh atmosphere of first love.

The background to the creation of the "petal kiss scene" was not only the efforts of the two actors who prepared for the drama seriously, but also the careful consideration of director Bae Tae-seop, who gently led the atmosphere on set for Seohyun, who was not used to drama filming, and Lee Won-geun, who was nervous about his first shoot.

The drama "Passionate Love" depicts the joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness of life through the painful love of the male and female protagonists and the success and downfall of the people around them. It will start airing in Korea from 8:45 pm on the 28th.
(From Entertainment News)

Director Bae Tae-seop's careful consideration made the "flower petal kiss" scene between Seohyun and Lee Won-geun a reality.

It's a fresh and refreshing scene of pure love in the morning mist, and from the released footage, Seohyun seems to be quite enthusiastic about the drama.

To fully express the shyness and freshness of first love through acting, there should be no embarrassment, anxiety, or agitation. In that sense, Seohyun's composure and the degree of her immersion are impressive.

In particular, the released footage is not pure drama footage, but footage that captures the surrounding staff, so it's natural that Seohyun and Han Yu-rim are mixed together, but Seohyun remains calm and easily switches between the roles. It must be her experience of having performed on many big stages that speaks for itself. Experience matters too much, and the director even advises her not to go as far as cheek rubbing, but this just goes to show how much motivation Seohyun has.

As her partner is younger, Seohyun's Han Yoo-rim may be the proactive woman who takes the lead in this romance.

I wonder how much Seohyun practiced with this scene in mind...

Perhaps the (off-camera) members of SNSD took turns playing the role of her love interest (?)

If that's the case, it's not surprising that two women end up cheek rubbing rather than kissing, right? (;^_^A.

At this rate, it looks like it's going to be a great video.

I have high hopes for Seohyun, but I'm a little worried that she might become stale after listening to the stories of the pioneers like Sooyoung, Yuri, and Jessica, and lose her innocence.

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