雨の記号(rain symbol)

AOA is also starting towards the second wave

AOA is also starting towards the second wave

5,000 fans gather in the rain for AOA's Japan showcase

Local media is very interested in AOA, who has entered the Japanese market.

AOA held an event to celebrate the release of their second Japanese single, "Like a cat," at Lazona Kawasaki Plaza in Kawasaki City on the 1st.

Sankei Sports reported, "The seven members appeared in red shorts. Despite the bad weather, vocalist Choa thanked the 5,000 people who gathered at the venue, saying in Japanese, "Thank you so much for coming to see us in the rain."

The same paper continued, "AOA performed three songs (on the same day), including a new song that features a "cat dance" that imitates the movements of a cat's paws, and vocalist Hyejeong stated her goal for performing in Japan, saying, "I want to do a concert."

(From K-POP News)

AOA unveiled themselves in front of a large crowd of fans.

Apparently, 5,000 fans flocked to Lazona Kawasaki.

AOA are not just popular, they seem to be the real deal.

If they keep up this rivalry with Apink, it will inspire those who follow them and give momentum to the second wave.

When I went to YouTube, I found a video of the "Like a cat" release event.

The cheers of the fans who came were incredible.

Perhaps because they had drawn the fans as close as possible to the edge of the stage, the prepared stage was a little cramped.

However, the expressions of the AOA members when they appeared were bright.

It was only natural that they should be happy to see so many fans flocking to the venue in the rain.

Each member greeted the fans with a lively voice.

However, it was unfortunate for the girls that the stage prepared for them was smaller than Apink's (or was it a place like the corner of a warehouse, with an uninspiring layout?).

This was not a children's school play.
Couldn't they have prepared a more proper stage?
AOA's selling point is their sharp dance and performance.

Apink showed off their skills to the fullest.
It seemed like they left with more popularity, but what will become of AOA?

But despite the inadequacy of the stage, the girls performed undeterred.

Perhaps it was encouraging to have so many fans in front of them.
Their natural dance stage will have to wait a little longer.

"We want to do a concert."
Vocalist Hyejeong's words in an interview were surely filled with enthusiasm.

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