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As a Sana fan (TWICE)

As a Sana fan (TWICE)

★ TWICE's Sana has been selected as the new muse for the cosmetics brand WAKEMAKE. The photos were released on the 31st.

WAKEMAKE is a cosmetics brand run by Olive Young, a drugstore chain under the CJ Group. It was launched in 2015.

On the 31st, photos of Sana holding an eye palette and cushion foundation were posted on the sales website. Her activities as a muse have already begun.

Currently, Sana is also working as an advertising model for the cosmetics brand A'pieu with Dahyun.

The new muse for the cosmetics brand WAKEMAKE... hmmmm... but look at how beautiful she is...! .

Sana has only gotten more beautiful with each passing year. I don't know anything about this industry, but looking at Sana here, I can kind of tell. 

It's almost meaningless to think about what hair color or hairstyle would suit Sana, what kind of fashion or accessories would be good.

 For someone like Sana, there's not much need to put in the effort to force it to match with makeup. You might feel a little strange at first glance, but after just 10 seconds of looking at her, you'll understand. 

Sana has an all-rounder look that naturally suits her, so... 

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