雨の記号(rain symbol)

From the Korean drama "Beauty Gong Sim"

From the Korean drama "Beauty Gong Sim"

Diverse features of Mina (Girl's Day)

After watching this drama, she was happy to realize the charm of actress Mina, which she could not find during Girl's Day.
In South Korea, talents with a high level of perfection (maturity) are sought, so actresses and idols who can't perform well in movies and dramas won't appear often.

"What about Mina as an actress?"
I thought that Mina was more suitable for variety shows than Yura and Hyeri and not suitable for actresses.

However, she changed her mind when she saw "Beauty Gong Shim" with Namgoong Min.
"Beauty Gong Shim" is a drama that fully demonstrates Mina's charm. Her mina has become a work that could not have been born without her unique presence.
After appearing in this drama, she had a two-year hiatus. Was it because many people didn't realize how good this drama was? Since then, she's been so good that she could have been more in demand...it's a shame.

In my opinion, Mina is an actress with many faces. As was the case with her on the music stage, she is a bit concerned about the wet image. But she has a richness of expression that goes beyond that.
"Cuteness" is enough. However, the reason why she judged that she couldn't be a "beautiful face" was because she only saw the stage as a girl group.
I don't know if it's Mina or Gong Shim in this drama, but her expression changes. She must be a natural if Mina is like that, and if Gong Shim is like that, Mina's acting is great.

Seeing that she can look both normal and beautiful in a very natural way, Mina may have a natural face that makes it easy to apply make-up.

In addition to the story of the love triangle in "Beauty Gong Shim", I was also very interested in watching Mina's ever-changing facial features.
I thought she looked a lot like Apink's Eunji, but she thought it would be interesting if there was a drama where the two acted as sisters, using the image of Eunji who is dry and slightly wet Mina. .

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