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Taeyeon (Girls' Generation)'s song flows even under Paris (June 2011)

Taeyeon (Girls' Generation)'s song flows even under Paris (June 2011)

On the 9th, SM Entertainment reported that TVXQ, SHINee, and f(x) were welcomed by local fans after arriving in Paris for the "SMTOWN LIVE WORLD TUOR in PARIS" concert, which will be held on the 10th and 11th.

On the evening of the 8th (local time), Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris was flooded with about 1,500 fans who had come from not only France but also the UK, Italy, Switzerland, and other countries to see the group.

SM said, "Charles de Gaulle Airport was crowded with fans who had gathered there since the morning of that day," and added, "Fans prepared Hangeul placards, colorful balloons, and banners, and sang hit songs by TVXQ and others with Korean lyrics."

"There were also many T-shirts with the names of their favorite singers printed on them in Hangul and cheering props using the Taegeukgi flag," he said. "As soon as TVXQ and other groups appeared, about 1,500 fans ran out at once, camera flashes going off.

About 30 airport police were mobilized, but the members had a hard time leaving the airport."

The concert will be held at "Le Zenith de Paris" as a "2010-2012 Visit Korea Year Commemoration" event, with a total of 14,000 people over two days.

The highlights of the concert will be released to the world through YouTube's SMTOWN channel immediately after the concert.

Meanwhile, Girls' Generation, who will be participating in the concert, arrived at the venue the day before. Super Junior is scheduled to enter the country through Charles de Gaulle Airport on the 9th.

(From K-POP News)

1,500 fans flocked to Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris, France, eager to see them arrive.

This has drawn great attention from the European media.

Tickets for the "SMTOWN LIVE WORLD TOUR in PARIS" concerts were quickly sold out.

In response, French K-pop fans held demonstrations calling for additional concerts.

The planned one concert was increased to two.

French newspapers Le Monde and Le Figaro also took notice of this phenomenon.

They probably understood that "the Korean wave has come from far-flung East Asia to Paris in Europe."

Le Monde and Le Figaro also do not seem to see this phenomenon as a passing phenomenon.

In fact, Le Monde sent reporters to Seoul in April to investigate K-pop-related topics and SM Entertainment, the company behind the concerts.

The paper reported in detail on SM's strategy, from passing the audition to 3 to 5 years of intensive training in singing, dancing, acting, foreign languages, etc., all the way to their debut.

Furthermore, it was mentioned that the K-pop boom had begun to spread throughout Europe through social networks, even though there was no advertising for it anywhere in the local area.

Noting that this pop music from a faraway country has begun to form a fanbase in response to the various dots that have sprung up here and there, some have also attempted to focus on the influence of social networks.

A French radio station also reported that the concert will feature five teams, including TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls' Generation, SHINee, and f(x), and that it has already sold out.

I am curious to see what kind of reactions this will evoke among fans who were unable to see it.

Listening to Taeyeon's solo performance during Girls' Generation's Japan tour (it was so amazing), I got the feeling that this wave will get even bigger in Europe too.

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