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From “ILLIT” and “New Jeans” again

From “ILLIT” and “New Jeans” again

"I thought it was New Jeans..." Reactions to ILLIT's "SPOT!" video... "Super Shy" costume looks too similar? Voices suspecting plagiarism

★ "SPOT!" is Zico's new song featuring BlackPink's "Jenny". Currently, it ranks number 1 on major Korean charts. Meanwhile, ILLIT's debut song ranks second on the Korean charts.

``ILLIT'' is a new girl who I thought had an atmosphere that I had seen somewhere before, but before I knew it, they had become popular and well-known.

I thought she was a top-class girl now, but her status still seems to be in limbo.

Ador Min Hee-jin, the president of "New Jeans," appeared at the press conference and took a swipe at the parent company (HYVE), which may have made a big difference.

If it weren't for this, I feel like ILLIT would have easily settled into the position of a super busy top girl, traveling back and forth between Korea and Japan.

However, the situation changed completely due to CEO Min Hee-jin's statement that they did not have their own unique style or concept and that they had made the main part of their performance similar to (New Jeans) and had given ILLIT an easy(?) debut. It happened.

I get the strong impression that ILLIT is quiet, controlling its activities with the cooperation of those around it.

Still, if you look at the Melon Chart, etc., you will see that ILLIT, which has appeared from a major agency, is as expected. Her music has continued to do well.

Ordinary music fans are easily influenced by public noise.
However, humans inside large dams are different. Unless the dam is cut due to internal circumstances, it will not be washed away.

ILLIT seems like girls who were blessed with their debut. Maybe it's my cousin's daughters...?
This may be the strength of debuting from an agency affiliated with a major company that has quantitative power rather than being weak.

The amount of money raised in preparation for her debut must have been incredible... Their energy may be directed toward sales rather than flashy stage activities.


The collaboration between the two popular artists has received a great response. In the comment section, I thought I was flooded with cheers from fans of both groups, but when I looked into the comment section, comments mentioning "New Jeans" dominated the top.


Due to the current circumstances, it seems unlikely that the collaboration with Zico will be what fans of both have been looking forward to.
ILLIT probably wanted to use Zico's help to restore its image.

When I saw the members of ILLIT dancing behind me, I got the impression that the way they danced was very similar to New Jeans. I felt something similar to New Jeans in that she doesn't dance with everyone, but does her own dance even when they aren't together.

Looking at her two photos, I thought that if she was going to do New Jeans-style music, it would be inevitable for her to wear a fashion like this...

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