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福岡雙葉小学校の学校生活の様子を委員会児童(Futaba Blog委員会)がアップしていきます。

Creative 'Mame-me'!!

2023-01-11 15:27:10 | 2022

At the end of Term 2 the Grade 6 students made a 'Mame-me' wearing traditional clothes from many different countries.


A 'Mame-me' is a doll which we made by ourselves in Art class.


There were a lot of traditional clothes from a lot of different countries.


The most popular traditional clothes came from Korea.


Every doll was colorful and creative!!

We interviewed a Grade 6 student about the class:

Q1: What was the most difficult part?

A1: It was quite difficult to make the clothes.

Q2: What was your favorite part about making it?

A2: My favorite part was thinking of an idea about what I would do for my clothes.


Everyone made a creative Mame-Me with a lot of color! It was a great experience to make these.

Everyone had fun!!


Blog written and uploaded by Grade 5 and 6 students of Futaba Blog committee.

A Fabulous School Trip!!

2023-01-11 14:46:27 | 2022

On October 5th the Grade 6 students went to Nagasaki for a school trip.


They went there to learn about Christianity, nature and how peace is important in the world.


While there they visited the Museum of the 26 martyrs, Peace Park, Urakami Cathedral, the Unzen-Fugendake mountain and a lot more.


It was fun to sleep woth friends, eating food together and having new experiences.

^The Museum of the 26 Martyrs.

^In the Peace Park giving 1000 origami cranes.

^Eating dinner together with everybody.


We interviewed a Grade 6 student.

Q1: What was your favorite thing about the school trip?

A1: I liked the Urakami Cathedral because the stained glass was beautiful.

Q2: What was the most difficult part?

A2: It has hard to write a letter to our parents because there were so many things to write about!


We think that having a school trip was really fun, and it is important to learn about peace. We had an amazing experience. It was wonderful!!


Blog written and uploaded by Grade 5 and 6 students in Futaba Blog committee.