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Grade 1 play some traditional games!

2023-02-08 09:58:56 | 2023

Grade 1 played some traditional games during Life Skill class.

They played things like Cat's Cradle, Kendama, Bamboo Helicopter and a lot more!

They couldn't invite outside guests to play with this year, but before Covid-19 there were some guests who came into school to teach about these traditional Japanese games.

Even though they couldn't meet any guests they had a lot of fun playing the games.

They had a great experience!!

We talked to a Grade 6 student about their memories from when they were in Grade 1:

Q1) What was your favorite traditional game to play with when you were in Grade 1?

A1) My favorite game to play with was otedama (juggling balls).

Q2) What did you think about when you were playing the games?

A2) I thought that these games will last forever because they are very fun and so simple.


It is sad that because of Covid-19 the class couldn't call some guests to talk to about the games, but they still had fun playing in their class.

I can still remember when I played the games when I was in Grade 1, and it is one of the happy memories that I don't want to forget.

I hope they had fun too!


Blog post written and uploaded by Grade 5 and 6 students in Futaba Blog committee.
