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福岡雙葉小学校の学校生活の様子を委員会児童(Futaba Blog委員会)がアップしていきます。

Classwork from English class.

2023-02-08 09:36:13 | 2023

In English class we did a project researching festivals from around the world in November.

We researched these festivals using the computer room and our ipads.

For the background of our work we painted using toothbrushes and our fingers. We could use a paintbrush too!


Everyone had different designs, and many different colours.

We took a lot of time to finish this work, but everyone enjoyed doing this English class and the work.


We interviewed a Grade 5 student about the class:

Q1) How was the painting?

A1) We could use any colors and designs we wanted so it was fun!

Q2) Did you like painting with a toothbrush?

A2) It was a little difficult to paint where I wanted to, but it was very exciting!


We thought the toothbrush painting was exciting too, and we want to do it again!


Blog post written and uploaded by Grade 5 and 6 students in the Futaba blog committee.
