


2013年05月09日 | 英語

Going to the Vet


It’s hard enough to take care of ourselves and our loved ones and children, but what happens when a pet gets sick? When that happens, it’s time to go to the veterinarian, or vet, for short.

Unfortunately, most animals don’t enjoy going to the vet. They might run for cover when you get out their pet carrier. Or they might growl at or try to attack the vet when you get there. And even worse than the experience at the vet is the experience when you see the vet’s bill. Unfortunately, a trip to the vet can sometimes     break the bank.


Marni: My dog’s vet bills are out of control.

Lily: Oh jeez.

Marni: I have been giving him acupuncture for years now, to deal with all kinds of ailments. And it’s just crazy                               how much money I’m spending on him. I mean, I would like acupuncture. I can’t even afford it for me.                   

                                                                                                     Lily: Do you have insurance for him?

Marni:I don’t. I always thought, man’s best friend, you just sort of wing it, and just pay the vet bills as they                                                        come, but maybe I should’ve looked into that.    

Lily:  Yeah. Because my mom is a veterinary technician, and so we’ve always gotten our vet bills for a lot cheaper, but now that I’m away from my family, it can be steep, that’s very true.

Marni: It’s very expensive. And, you know, you love your pets, you pay the bills, you do what you can, but really, I’m starting to rethink this whole thing.

Lily: Oh yeah.

Marni: Vaccines are important. You’ve gotta go for that. And certainly there’s things…

Lily:  You want to protect against rabies…

Marni: Absolutely.

Lily: ...especially if your animal goes outside. My cats go outside all the time, and they get into who knows what. With a dog, I’m sure it’s even more.

Marni: Absolutely. And he hates going to the vet. It’s like torture for him, and then I’m spending all this money, and I just keep thinking, “Really?”

*スカイプ英会話は、今回は可愛いペットに関する会話文でした。動物病院(The vet)は保険もないので、お金がすごく






acupuncture n = a form of ancient Chinese medicine involving inserting needles into the skin

ailment n. = sickness, problem

wing it = INFORMAL = to do something without preparation or plans:

steep = expensive, pricey

who knows what = anything at all, beyond comprehension





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