


2008年02月14日 13時35分48秒 | エンセンニッキ
2919-1 丸ヶ崎 見沼区さいたま市埼玉県 〒330-0001

My Dear Friend Aaron.

2008年02月14日 12時30分17秒 | エンセンニッキ
It's a nice day today but things just don't seem right.
Although I only met Aaron about 2 years ago everytime I
went to Washington he would come up with his son Austin
and hangout with us. He was constantly taking pictures of
me with him and with his son and we always would tease him
that he had a "Man Crush" on me. He was always concerned
that he was being a bother but a bother was the last thing
he was being. I felt flattered that I was like a Hero to
him and his son and that's why his passing hits me even
harder. If only we could reverse the hands of time and I
could have talked to him!!! My words may have hit him in
a different spot and made him realise his pain can be
beat!!! Pains worse enemy is time. Time ceases pain.
Just sometimes the pain and confusion is so hard we don't
feel the healing time gives. I don't have a cold but my
nose suddenlly is getting stuffed and my eyes are
beginning to tear. Why couldn't he have called me or why
couldn't I have been there??? I can't believe that on my
next trip to Washington I won't see him, do an interview
for him, or take a pic and hangout and just shoot the
shit. I have helped people in distress before that pain
was overpowering. Numerous times my words have helped
save lives of fans who were virtually unknown to me. My
simple words have cleared the dark cloud pain creates and
allowed the healing process of time to kick in.
But....why was I so useless this time? Aaron who was a
dear friend to me and my friends in Washington. I can't
believe that I won't be seeing him on my next trip to
Washington. I look at all his pictures and can just see
him and hear his voice. I wish this was all a dream.... I
wish I knew he was suffering.... I just wish there was
more I could do. I know how much he loved his children
especially Austin. I know he misses his children just as
much if not more than his children miss him. I pray for
him and his family every night but I know no matter how
much I pray he will not come back!!!
Life is so harsh sometimes.... Moving on no matter what.
Let's take the lesson Aaron has given us, not to take for
granted the things, the simple things we have in life.
Waking up every morning, giving the ones you love just one
more hug, just one more kiss, and just one more "I love
you" And most of all, pain can be beat with the help of
time. We can't bring Aaron back so let's just cherish the
time we had with him. Instead of wishing for one more day,
one more hug, or one more picture.....let's appreciate all
the numerous hugs and time we did have with him. Yes,
there is pain in my heart that he won't be there on my
next trip to Washington but instead of grieving that, I
will cherish all the times we did hang out, all the
laughes we did have, and all the pictures we have
together!!! I also have pain imagining how much Austin,
his other two children and his wife and family will miss
him, so I will turn all the pain into the power of praying
and pray that they will have strength and power to move
forward with their heads up. Let's conquer pain and help
Aaron rest and make him proud of us.
Aaron....I know it's hard but please rest in peace and
trust that everyhing and everyone here will be okay... we
miss you to death but we will do our best to go on for we
will all join you up there someday. I will do everything
in my power to help you family especially Austin. I know
you miss Austin and wish you could be here with him but we
can't reverse what's been done. We can only move forward.
So my dear friend rest...although we cannot replace your
love and what you did for you family, please trust that we
will do everything in our power to see that your family
will be fine. This is not a goodbye or a farewell but as
we say in Japan "Itterashai" which means see you later,
til we meet again in that better, much better place called
Heaven! I'm going to miss you!!!

Everyone please when you have time, say a prayer for Aaron
to rest and for his son Austin and the remaining family to
have strength to move on. Thank you!!!

た! いつも息子アウスチンくんと一緒だった。会ったたびに
の?!?!”て皆さんからかってた。 彼がいつも迷惑かけて
痛い!!! 時間まきもどして、またアローンさんと話したい
! エンセンの言葉なんか違う結果におさえれたのかな。痛み
を倒せる!!! 痛みの最低なかたきは時間です。 たまに痛
んエンセンに電話してない??? なんでエンセン彼の側にい
なかった??? 次ワシングトン州に行ったら彼が来ない。信
じられない!!! 今までいろんな人痛みを倒す事協力した事
 力でなしの漢字します。 もう会えないのは信じられない!
!!! 彼の写真見ると声聞こえる!!! これは夢ならいい
な... 彼悩んでる事知ってたらなか出来た。 なんか手伝い
たかった。彼が子供建ち愛してた!!! とくにアウステン。
! 毎朝起きる事。愛する人に抱き合う事、愛する人にチュウ
の手伝いで どんあ痛みを倒せる!!! アローンさん戻らな

あなたの家族は残ってるの人の力で大丈夫にします!!! 会
よなら言わない、言うのは行ってらしゃい!!! 天国で待て
て!!! I miss you!!!

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Thou who shed his Blood with me shall always be my Brother…and thou who becomes my Brother I have no problem bleeding for even if it meant bleeding to death!