

RIP Aaron...Be strong Austin and family!

2008年02月13日 06時13分49秒 | エンセンニッキ
Last Saturday while I was in Sweden I just heard of a dear
friends passing, Aaron Ganon.... I pray at this moment
with tears in my eyes wondering why and wishing there was
something I could have done. He leaves his wife and 3
kids. The oldest son, Austin was like a little brother to
me and I pray for God give him the strenth to go on
stronger until he is old enough to understand this
situation. I want to take this time to ask everyone out
there, before going to sleep....for a moment, to please
say a prayer for Aaron to rest in peace and his son Austin
and the rest of the family to have strength and faith to
go on!!

友達入死にました。今祈りながら、目に涙いっぱい。 なんか
助けてたのかな? 残ってるのは彼の奥さんと息子二人と娘一
彼の家族に祈りましょう!!! アーロンさんゆくり休んで、

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Thou who shed his Blood with me shall always be my Brother…and thou who becomes my Brother I have no problem bleeding for even if it meant bleeding to death!