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Statistics New Zealand display the latest data

2013-04-22 11:33:38 | 日記

270700 person-time, last month's figures are the highest ever recorded in March, easily more than 250800 people, the previous high in March 2008, statistics New Zealand demographic project manager Susan said hollow out Information Security.

New Zealand tourism bureau chief executive Kevin Bauer said, there have been several target markets, including Australia, North America, Britain and Germany strongly to Hong Kong to settle down.

Nearly 16% increase in visitors from Britain, to help the army of the fermentation in the city watching English cricketers, said Mr Bowler Air Purifier.

In addition, in the United States and Canada market growth was partly put tourism activities, using the hobbit trilogy the first film.

Mr Bauer said: "not only is our visitors, but prefer New Zealand holidays in the United States market has shown significantly increase since December last year,".
doctorate degree in business Seasonal factors contributing to this 3 "are, therefore, we expect to weak to April's Numbers. Easter is the earlier this year, it will support the rise, especially the Australian tourists."