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without you

purchasing Partner Protection insurance

2013-07-10 10:14:34 | 旅行

What you may not consider is what would happen should your partner become critically ill or die in unforeseen circumstances.teapot glass You could lose the entire company if the shares are sold to the wrong hands. Meaning a loss of your company and your income. As well as job losses for all the employees of the company, and compensation or redundancy payouts. There is an insurance policy, called Partner Protection Insurance which can protect you and your partnership from unforeseen circumstances.What is Partner Protection and why do I need it? When owning a business with a partner or maybe more than one, the roles and responsibilities are normally split between you all. What if something bad were to happen to one of the partners in the company? Apart from it being a terrible tragedy, what would happen to the company and the rest of the partner's lives? With partner protection insurance you are covered for those bad things that could happen, like losing the share in the company or the whole company itself. Partner protection helps give you the opportunity to stay in control of the business and not lose it. The loss of a partner will mean a loss of income or the loss of the entire business. Getting Partner protection protects you from this. Otherwise you could find yourself not just losing a partner but also losing your company and your entire source of income.A Highlight on Best Retail Walmart Displays You Need

The main things to think when purchasing Partner Protection insurance is that it: Protects the Business -> Protects both Partners -> Protects your Families

How Does Partner Protection Work For Me?
If a partner in your company were to pass away or become seriously ill, a tax-free lump sum of money will be paid out to the remaining partners, from the Partner Protection Insurance policy. As long as you can provide a valid claim the money is sent to you and the other partners to help keep the company stable. The money can be used to help cover expenses, provide wages, help support the company or to purchase the deceased partner's side of the company. If your partner dies the partnership is dissolved and the company could become unable to trade. Having Partnership Protection will stop this from happening and gives you the funds to protect the company.醫療用品