

The Communist Party of China government must not lay compensation liability!

2012年09月17日 | 中国共産党問題
Moreover, passing the buck around whose Communist Party of China government is a customer started.

The prudent Japanese must not allow the temporizing public utterances which are going to lay the compensation liability of this anti-Japanese riot by any means.

Furthermore, the Japanese government should issue a statement of a protest immediately.

In any cases, the Communist Party of China government should undertake the demand-for-compensation place of the damage which the China citizen caused in China.

If it is not made, it is not a country ruled by law.

International condemnation will spread in the lacking in common sense of the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs which announces such cowardly official versions, in order to avoid the compensation liability which will come out from now on!


デモ襲撃被害「責任は日本に」 中国、18日は大規模化も





