
英語なんて怖くない ダリちゃんの居酒屋英語教室

A Practical Joke(いたずら)

Dali   Today’s story is about a practical joke. As you know, I like practical jokes. Let me tell you a practical joke concerning nengajos (New Year’s postcards) I did last year.
ダリちゃん 今日のお話はいたずらについてだ。知っての通り、わしはいたずらが好き。わしが去年した、年賀状に関するいたずらについて話すね。

Me   Oh, tell me, tell me!

Dali   First, let me ask you: how long do you keep your nengajos? 
ダリちゃん まずあなたに聞くけど、年賀状はどのくらいの期間置いておく?

Me   About a year.

Dali   Unbelievable! I keep nengajos for more than ten years. I cherish memories. Nengajos are precious memories for me.
ダリちゃん 信じられない! わしは10年以上は置いとくね。思い出は大切だよ。年賀状は、わしにとって大切な思い出。

Me   Oh, really? Are you a homosexual?
 へーそう? あなたホモ?

Dali   Anyway, you keep yours for 1 year and I keep mine for 10 years, but it depends on the person.
ダリちゃん とにかく、あなたは1年、わしは10年。でも人によるけど。

Me   Hmm…

Dali   Anyway, it was a cold, windy day in January 2020. I was walking Tarou along a street in my neighborhood. When I passed a small parking lot near a big busy street, I saw many nengajos strewn across the parking lot. I looked at them and found that these nengajos were addressed to the same person. They ranged over several years; some were as recent as 2018, while others went back as far as 2013. Since I was with Tarou, I left the nengajos and continued walking him. But then, an idea for a practical joke came to mind.
ダリちゃん それはそうと、時は2020年1月のある寒い、風の強い日だった。わしは近所の通りをタロウ(犬)を散歩させていた。にぎやかな大通り近くの小さな駐車場を横切ったとき、駐車場のあちこちに年賀状が散乱しているのを見つけたんだ。よく見ると宛名がすべて同じなんだよねー。最近のもので2018年、古いので2013年と複数年に及んでいた。タロウがいたので年賀状は放っておいて散歩を続けた。でもその時、いたずらのアイデアが思い浮かんだんだ。

Me   You must be up to no good.

Dali   No! So, later that same day, I returned to the parking lot and gathered all the nengajos that were strewn there. Some of them were dirty or muddy because they were in the parking lot, but others were relatively clean.
ダリちゃん そんなことないよ! それで、同日、ちょっと経ってから、わしは駐車場に戻って、そこに散らばっていた年賀状をすべて拾い集めたんだ。駐車場にあったのでいくつかは汚れたり泥がついていたりしていたけど、割ときれいな年賀状も残っていた。

Me   So what did you do with them?

Dali   Well, from the nengajos, I selected the cleanest ones. Then, I put them, one by one, in the mailbox gradually over the last year. My thinking was that, because a nengajo has no postmark after delivery, unlike an ordinary postcard, it would be returned to the sender because of insufficient postage (Remember: these are old nengajos, so the postage was less than today).
ダリちゃん えーとね、年賀状の中で一番きれいそうなのを何枚か選んだんだ。それでね、去年ゆっくりと1年かけて一枚ずつ郵便ポストにそれら年賀状を入れたんだ。年賀状は普通のはがきと違って、配達後の消印がないので、料金不足で差出人に送り返されると思ったんだよね(注:これらは古い年賀状なので、郵便料金は今より安かった)。

Me   Hmm...

Dali   There was one 2014 nengajo, on which was portrayed two smiling young daughters who were elementary school girls, along with their parents. The daughters must now be married with children! Imagine how the sender must feel when his 6-year-old nengajo came back to him. He must feel nostalgic while looking at his family photo from long ago! I think I did a good thing. And I deserve high praise.
ダリちゃん 2014年の年賀状があってね、小学生の若いお嬢ちゃん2人が、両親と一緒に、ニコニコしながら写ってた。娘さんたちは今では結婚して子供がいるよ、きっと。6年前の自分が送った年賀状が戻ってきたらどんな気持ちだろうね。ずっと前の家族写真を見て懐かしく思うに違いないね。わしはいいことをしたと思う。絶賛に値するね。

Me   Bad taste!

Dali   But this was just the first part of the practical joke. Now, for part 2.
ダリちゃん でもこれはいたずらの前半部分に過ぎないんだ。実はパート2があるんだ。

Me   Oh, tell me, tell me!

Dali   In addition to the relatively clean nengajos, there were, of course, many dirty nengajos because they were in the parking lot and maybe some cars drove over them. Anyway, as you know, on January 1st, if you check your mailbox, you will find a passel of nengajos. Do you know that Japan Post wraps a kind of paper band advertisement around them, secured with a rubber band?
ダリちゃん 割ときれいな年賀状に加えて、もちろん汚れた年賀状もたくさんあった。だって駐車場に落ちてたんだから何台もの車が轢いていったかも。それはともかくとして、1月1日に郵便受けをチェックすると年賀状の束を見つけるだろう。日本郵政が年賀状を広告の紙の帯みたいなもので巻いて輪ゴムで止めているの知ってる?

Me   Well, I don’t remember.

Dali   This year, when I received my nengajos on New Year’s Day, I very carefully took off the paper band advertisement, and kept it clean in my desk drawer.
ダリちゃん 今年ね、元旦に年賀状を受け取った時、わしは非常に慎重に広告の紙の帯を外して、きれいなまま机の引き出しにしまっておいたんだ。

Me  That’s weird. Why? Why???

Dali   Well, last month, I put together the dirty nengajos, and wrapped them with the clean paper band advertisement, and secured them with a rubber band.
ダリちゃん へへへ、先月ね、わしは汚れた年賀状を集めてきれいな広告の紙の帯で巻いて、輪ゴムで止めたんだ。

Me  So, what was your plan, Dali?
 それで、どうする気? ダリちゃんは。

Dali   Well, at night, when nobody saw me, I took these old dirty nengajos, wrapped in the current year’s paper band, and brought them to the house of that recipient and put them in his mailbox.
ダリちゃん えーとね、夜、だれも見ていない時に、わしは、今年の紙の帯で巻かれたこれら汚れた年賀状を手に取って、宛名の人物の家まで運んで行って、彼の郵便受けに入れたんだ。

Me   How could you find his address?

Dali  It was on the nengajos! I think the idea was excellent because wrapping the passel of nengajos with the paper band advertisement and securing it with a rubber band makes the postcards look to have been officially delivered. Maybe that recipient thought it very creepy to find old nengajos that he thought he threw away last year. He might feel as spooked as if an old abandoned filthy doll came back to sit in front of his house.
ダリちゃん 年賀状に書いてあるじゃない! 素晴らしいアイデアだと思うよ。だって年賀状の束を広告の紙の帯で巻いて輪ゴムで止めると、はがきが正式に配達されたように見えるじゃない。受取人は去年捨てたはずの古い年賀状が自分ち(家)へ配達されたのを見つけてゾッとするかもね。まるで捨てたはずの古い薄汚い人形が戻ってきて、自分の家の玄関に座っているような不気味さを感じたかもね。

Key words(キーワード)
practical joke:(口だけでない、実際的な)悪ふざけ、いたずら
concerning: ~に対して、~について、~に関する
precious: 貴重な、高価な、大切で
be up to no good: よからぬ事をたくらんでいる
portray: 描く、肖像を描く、(~を)描写する、演じる
nostalgic: 懐郷の(にふける)
passel: 多数、大集団
recipient: 受取人、受領者
officially: 公式に、正式に
creepy: ぞくぞくする、身の毛のよだつような
spooked: 怯えた、びくびくした
abandoned: 見捨てられた、放棄された
filthy: 不潔な、汚れた、汚い
Dali’s practical joke seems to be relatively innocuous. However, we had better realize that we now live in a world where we must take care of how our personal data is handled.






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