英語の時間 E-TIME



2014年05月28日 | 今月のスキット

<1年生> 天気

A: Hi (B).

B: Hi (A).
    It's sunny today.

A: Yes, it is.


<2年生>  天候

A: Hi (Jeff).

B: Hi (Dustin).
    It's warm today.

A: Yes, it is.


<3年生>  いっしょに遊ぼう

A: Hi (Dustin).

B: Hi (Vincent).

A: Let's play dodgeball together.

B: Yes! Let's go outside!

A: OK!



A: What time is it now?

B: Well, It's 4:45.

A: Oh, I have to go now!
    I have my piano lesson. 

B: OK, see you tomorrow.


<5年生>   ~できる?

A: Vincent, can you do this?

B: Yes, I can.
    It's easey.
    Can you do this?

A: No, I can't, It's too difficult. 


<6年生>  放課後

A: What do you do after school?

B: I play soccer with my friends.

A: Nice! Can I join?

B: Of course!



