英語の時間 E-TIME



2013年11月14日 | 今月のスキット

<1年生> かして

A: Excuse me (Lia) , can I borrow your eraser?

B: Yes, here you are.

A: Thank you.

B: You're welcome.


<2年生> 買い物

A: Hi, can I help you?

B: I would like a notebook.

A: How about this one?

B: Nice, I like it.

A: Thank you.


<3年生>  注文

A: Hi.

B: Hi, can I have a cheese burger meal?

A: Sure, what drink would you like?

B: Coke please.

A: OK, what size would you like?

B: Medium please.


<4年生>  注文(レストラン)

A: I would like to have spaghetti and salad.

B: Would you like some dessert?

A: Yes, apple pie please.

B: OK, just a moment please.


<5年生>  買い物

A: Do you have this shirt in green?

B: No, I'm sorry.

A: Do you have this shirt in blue?

B: Yes, here you are.


<6年生>  買い物

A: Excouse me, can I try this on?

B: Sure.

A: Oh, this is too small.
    Do you have a bigger size?

B: I'm sorry we don't.

A: Oh well.





