
This song for all of my friends who met in Australia !!

2013年12月21日 07時01分36秒 | 日記

I hope this song reminds you back to happy days in Australia (^O^)

Yeah, we were so young at that time, do you remeber that ??

We parted long time ago, then we keep rolling everyday for making ends meet...

sometimes I remember the time that we worked farms from early morning with cheap lunch ( ̄▽ ̄) the work was so hard, wasn't it ??

But we had good time at the bar after hard work, drinking, dancing, laughing...together without thinking tomorrow.

it seems like a happy dream...but checking out you guys are living on facebook let me notice it was real and I was there in Australia !!

I know that everbody is busy, but wish I could met you guys one more time in Australia...(´∀`)

