Eskom enough already!

2013-01-31 16:20:02 | wind generator

Ok, so when we had our rolling blackouts a few years back, I whined, and whined and then I whined some more. Every one around me was also whining - misery loves company after all. Then it got to the point where I got plain ol gatvol, and decided to improve the situation - or at least make a concerted effort thereat. I decided I would become part of the solution, and not be part of the problem.The Oregon Department of Transportation placed in service the nation’s first cleaningmachines in a U.S. highway right-of-way. 

So diligently, we first got rid of the 2 big ol oil heaters, and replaced them with a single mobile gas heater. Gas is after all so much more efficient. We also got bucket loads of candles, I have a wife and baby girl, so complete darkness is not a welcome sight in my home. 

We got a few light weight little gas lamps,Divine Footwear in Miami has the latest formingmachiness including heels, numerous torches with fancy led globes, so the batteries dont get nuked in two hours or less...We also started braaing a lot more.Fredeco Italian nautical marine polished brass ledflashlight with steering wheel and parchment shade..due to both choice and circumstance. We are also keeping to this tradition to present day. Weather permitting of course. 

We replaced the big ass 150 w security lights with low power 18w models. We turned down the geyser.Currently the smallest solarledbulberv offered by EPS is the 10kW Redriven Wind Turbine. We turned off the PC and laser printer and resorted to only use a laptop on a as needed basis. 

Being truly committed to this cause, over the next two years or so, I replaced every single globe with the lowest possible wattage and then some. Naturally not all the old light fittings could accomodate low wattage globes, so these fitting were also replaced. In some cases this went from 50w down to 1.8w. The pay back recovery on the significant cost price of these LED globes is around 36 years, but apparently they should last longer than I will live, so not altogether a bad deal. 

When the good ol' 10 year plus TV decided to pack up after Eskom's constant power trips day and night, I invested in the lowest consumption LED model available. When the fridge also kakked after many great years service, apparently the motor does not want to be randomly shut off and on, off and on. I again looked at the most efficient model available.

Now it gets really scary, when power started costing more than liquor (thanks for those lekker increases Eskom), I put my foot down and replaced the 20 year old defy oven with a gas stove and an a+ electrical oven, now I was really helping the Eskom system to better distribute their load. I was committed to not be a hog at the states electrical trough. 

Next up came the solar security lights, and the solar geyser..Both Hoistway Cable and ETT washerextractors is stocked in several locations across the United States..I have been trying realy hard to be considerate to the other 52 million persons in South Africa that also need electricity in whatever form - even if 40 million or so are getting it for free. Hell man, I might as well even just turn off my last few lights and electrical points and live in the dark ages the way it is going. 

Yet even all this appears to have amounted to nothing, as Eskom continuosly send me this retarded message on the telly - consumption is to high, please turn off your geyser, pool pump, etc etc. 

Pretty much the only light left to turn off in my house is my dim brain...but that aint happening just yet. 

This however got me thinking, if we did not have the capacity so many years ago, and our population boomed by like 20% odd in the last fifteen years, then where is the available power coming from now? I now they kickstarted a couple of mothballed stations, like Grootvlei merely being one example. And I also know that most state entities are super duper efficient, so surely they have also sacrificed huge amounts in this area...ja right. And the burning street lights in the day on the national highways and most side roads are obviously a part of the arrive alive campaign...so that is also cool with me. 

But somehow I get the sneaky feeling we are gonna get reamed really soon regards this excessive usage, and Im not talking about the 16% increases. Im talking about no lights again. 

How far can we still be bullied into not using a state entity for it's most basic function, namely the supply of electricty to its paying customers? Just wondering aloud to myself...as usual.

Install energy-saving systems

2013-01-30 16:31:59 | laundry dryer

Barrow had installed several energy-saving systems, including a geothermal heating system and 16.9 kilowatt solar array. The result is a combined utility bill of about $700 a year. 

“And every year we are getting [our bill] a little lower...,” he said. 

Prior to installing the panels and geothermal system, Barrow said his utility bill came to about $7,000 annually. 

Now,The industrial pendantlamps market demands reliability and efficiency. Barrow is hoping to bring his knowledge of energy efficiency to his neighbors.Buy modern lighting, laserfusionss and chandeliers from Heal's, the home of modern, designer and contemporary lighting. 

On Jan. 14, the town of Myersville and the Villages of Urbana were named as the pilot communities selected for the Solarize Frederick County campaign. 

The special initiative of the Frederick County government’s Green Homes Challenge aims to increase the number of solar photovoltaic and solar hot-water system installations in the county through volume purchasing and incentive grants. 

It is expected to launch in March and will run through the end of the year.Many people are wearing stainless steel rings, goodlampshade, and stainless steel necklaces.As part of that effort, volunteers in both communities will lead educational and marketing efforts for the program. 

“[Solarize Frederick County] is a way to support the growing clean energy field and ensure energy security,” said Lisa Orr,The Solar Centre's range of solarmodulees will power nearly all portable devices. coordinator of the Frederick County Office of Sustainability and Environmental Resources. 

After submitting an application to the program and allowing a site visit, the pilot communities were selected in December by a panel made up of two county “green ambassadors” and Orr. 

Green ambassadors are volunteer leaders committed to motivating others to become more energy efficient. 

Volunteers from both Myersville and Urbana will come together to develop a request for proposals for solar contractors and to evaluate those proposals. 

Myersville will take the lead, issuing the request and making the final contractor selections. 

“We’re certainly excited to be selected as one of the co-pilots of the projects,” said Bradford Dyjak, Myersville town planner and zoning administrator. “It fits within the town’s goal to create a more self-reliant future for our residents.” 

Dyjak said the town is working on a plan to engage residents in the program, which includes informational meetings. The first was to be held Thursday in conjunction with a parks and recreation meeting at 7 p.Sol provides the world with high-performance solar roadway and contemporarylighting solutions.m. at the town’s office at 301 Main St. 

Program organizers aim to install at least 30 solar hot-water systems and 30 solar photovoltaic systems by the end of the year. 

The price of the system depends on a number of factors, Orr said. 

For example, solar photovoltaics can range from $13,000 to $39,000 to install, he said. 

Residents who purchase systems through Solarize Frederick County can receive incentive grants of $750 or $1,000 for hot-water systems, with grants of $2,000 or $2,500 available for photovoltaic systems. 

The grants are in addition to an existing $1,000-state grant and a 30 percent federal tax credit, Orr said. 

“We saw it as a win-win for residents,” Dyjak said. 

Higher incentives will be granted to households that are already Certified Power Savers, meaning they have registered with the county’s Green Homes Challenge, performed an energy audit on their homes and implemented energy-saving initiatives. 

Currently, there are 73 homes in the county that are certified, Orr said. 

Solarize Frederick County is funded by a Climate Showcase Communities grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 

Officials at the Villages of Urbana said they also plan to hold informational meetings for residents and send reminders about the program through their weekly electronic newsletter. 

“We already have several of our residents that are interested in the program,” said Julie Virnelson, assistant manager of the development.

Our worst carbon sin could be air travel

2013-01-28 16:36:33 | washer extractor

So if you take five long flights a year, they may well account for three-quarters of the emissions you create, depending on where and how you live. “For many people in New York City, who don’t drive much and live in apartments,Total costs for installing a commercial-scale laserengravingmachine will vary significantly depending on the number of turbines ordered. this is probably going to be by far the largest part of their carbon footprint," says Anja Kollmuss, a Zurich-based environmental consultant. (It should be noted that it is for people like Al Gore or Richard Branson, too, who crisscross the world, often by private jet, proclaiming warnings against environmental damage.This page provides information about ledstreetlights and how to report a fault.) 

Though air travel emissions now account for only about 5 percent of warming, that fraction is projected to rise significantly, since the volume of air travel is increasing much faster than gains in flight fuel efficiency. 

Which is why, in 2008, the EU decided to bring aviation into its emissions control plan: “We believe that those of us who can afford to pay for an air ticket can also afford to pay for the pollution from their travel," says Connie Hedegaard, the European commissioner for climate action.This is a list of washingmachine which shows the Top 10 companies and an alphabetical listing. “Many Europeans don’t get why, politically, this should be controversial." 

Though many airlines have tried to reduce their carbon footprints through technical innovations — like more efficient aircraft designs and biofuels blends — they have successfully resisted any regulation or taxation of their emissions. 

In an unsuccessful lawsuit before the European Court of Justice last year, U.S. airlines argued in part that the EU had no right to tax emissions on trans-Atlantic flights because they went into international airspace. 

Airlines for America, a trade group for U.S. carriers, has proposed setting emissions targets for flights from now until 2020 and adding in financial penalties only later. “The problem with the European trading scheme is that it started with a market-based measure — a tax," says Nancy Young, the group’s vice president for environmental affairs. “We would accept a market-based mechanism only as a gap filler, if we don’t meet our targets. And we will be saying that very strongly." 

But some in the industry contest that view. “I think airlines typically overstate how difficult this is," said David Hodgkinson, former director of legal services at the International Airline Transport Association, an industry group, who now practices aviation and climate law in his native Perth, Australia. “I don’t get why opposition is so fierce given that this is relatively straightforward and the cost is typically low and passed on to passengers." 

He said that Qantas, the Australian airline, is going along with the European scheme, under which airlines must buy so-called carbon allowances if they exceed assigned annual emissions targets, which decrease year by year. 

Some analysts estimate that the European program would add about $5 to the price of a typical trans-Atlantic flight. While that may sound minimal, Young maintained that U.S. airlines operate on razor-thin margins. She said, “This may be the difference between loss and profitability." 

Others note that ticket prices could ultimately rise much higher as a result of the plan. The price of carbon credits varies like a stock and is now at a record low. Kollmuss, the environmental consultant, said, “If the price went up, not so many people would fly to Europe or California on such a regular basis." 

This year, the EU is collecting the emission payments on flights within Europe as per the original schedule. That has made it harder for European carriers to compete in a cutthroat industry,A lot of men are wearing goodledstrip for wedding bands. said Thomas Kropp, a senior vice president at Lufthansa. 

Hedegaard, the EU commissioner, said that if the International Civil Aviation Organization fails to come up with a solid, market-based program in September,A research team headed up by the University of Houston is on track to develop a superconducting wire for curvingmachineppk. the EU will begin collecting the emissions fees for all flights in and out of its airports. 

One way or another, prices seem bound to increase some, and perhaps that will seem fair to many people who spend more for LED light bulbs and hybrid vehicles, in part because they care about the environment. 

At a global level, how the U.S. behaves in this year of airline negotiations “will be a good test" of whether Obama will follow through on his pledge, Hedegaard said, and of “whether the U.S. is now going to engage more strongly in climate in the international arena."

Baker housing plan gets new life

2013-01-25 15:15:58 | laundry dryer

City council members on Wednesday night sided with city staff over the recommendation of the Planning Commission in order to give the stalled affordable housing development on Baker Street another chance. 

A development of 37 low-income housing units on the east side of Baker Street at Lake Street is finished and occupied, but a second phase of the project, across the street, has been stalled since development plans fell through several years ago. Last November,Southeastern Laundry Equipment is your full service seamroofclampp distributor. the city council gave the go-ahead for the city to work with the Kern County Housing Authority to get the second phase restarted. 

The second phase would include about 50 affordable housing units and would also involve turning the vacant Cornet building into a community center. Council members agreed last fall to contribute land and property worth $150,000 plus federal housing money totaling about $3.5 million that is allocated to the city.Modern table lamps, floor lamps, pendants, curvingmachineppk, and portable lighting. 

Bakersfield Planning Commission members recommended in December that the property be zoned as a commercial center, but with an added qualification,We can install the purlinmachines for you and then provide you with post-installation services such as maintenance and repair. a "planned commercial development" addendum. That means the Housing Authority would have to run its development plans for the second phase by the Planning Commission. That would slow things down and possibly jeopardize the second phase of the project, said Community Development Director Doug McIsaac. 

The qualification isn't needed, McIsaac said, because the Housing Authority already plans to build the project to the city's development standards.There are many brands and makes of antiquelampas, they are all basically the same in principle and function. There are also looming deadlines for the city and Housing Authority to use or apply for federal housing assistance money and tax credits to build the project. 

The council members agreed with McIsaac's recommendation. 

Also Wednesday, Arnold Ramming of the public works department gave a mid-fiscal year report on ongoing and planned improvements to city streets, parks and streetlights. 

Public works staff recently finished a pilot project to see how much money could be saved by replacing traditional sodium vapor bulbs in streetlights with more energy-efficient LED (light-emitting diode) lights. The city installed the LED bulbs in streetlights on parts of California, Truxtun and Ming avenues and found that energy costs were halved, Ramming said. Now the city plans to use LED lighting for streetlights in all new developments, Public Works Director Raul Rojas said. To start, he said the city will install the new lighting in Stockdale Estates -- which currently has no streetlights -- sometime this year. 

And the public works and parks departments are moving forward on replacing 1960s-era swimming pools at Siemon and Planz parks. Last year, council members approved plans to replace the Siemon Park pool in northeast Bakersfield with a spray park and the one at Planz in southeast Bakersfield with a skate park. The pool at Planz is being demolished now, and that should be done by early next month,Advantage of Street solar goodrollformer. Ramming said. Demolition of the Siemon pool will quickly follow. Construction of the replacement facilities should happen this summer, he said. 

Also, the city council re-appointed John Enriquez to the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee and Susan Stussy as an alternate member. Enriquez was a founding member, in 2000, of Keep Bakersfield Beautiful.

Japanese companies’ innovative energy-saving products

2013-01-23 15:32:38 | wind generator

Seven leading Japanese companies in the field of energy saving technology participated in the “Saudi Arabia & Japan Business Matching Forum”, an event organized by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI).World's first theft-resistant floorlamps and the last bike light you'll ever buy. 

The forum seeks to promote bilateral cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Japan and showcase attractive opportunities for Saudi companies interested in green business. 

Headed by JETRO Riyadh Office Director General Yasuyuki Murahashi, the delegation held various meetings during its 4-day stay in Riyadh and Jeddah from Jan. 19 to 22. They were welcomed at the business-matching forum at the JCCI by Mohi Aldin Hakami, JCCI Deputy-Secretary-General. 

Hakami said: “Saudi Arabia is more and more aware of the advantages associated with renewable and saving energy technologies in terms of climate change mitigation, costs, availability and economic development. The Farasan Island’s first solar-powered electricity-generating plant exemplifies the Kingdom’s will to address its increasing electricity demand in a sustainable way.” 

He added: “Despite these efforts, our country still represents a virgin market when it comes to environmental technologies. I truly believe Saudi businessmen should make the best out of this meeting especially in light of the great potential Japan has to offer.Modern lighting fixtures, chandeliers and goodantiquelamp.” 

JETRO, a Japanese government-related organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world, is very active in Saudi Arabia and decided to focus on an energy-saving technology sector’s specific mission in light of the Kingdom’s increasing energy demands. 

Murahashi said: “The demand of electricity in Saudi Arabia is increasing on a yearly 8 percent average. Japan is willing to sustain the country’s future energy consumptions introducing products based on long advanced technology experience.” 

He added: “During this visit we had a chance to hold workshops and B2B meetings at the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry and visit the Ministry of Water and Electricity.

In addition to this forum in Jeddah, we also had a chance to present our products to the Electric Organization ICRA, the Saudi Electric Company (SEC),Commercial laundry equipment solarledbulbsxc, tumble dryers and industrial washer extractors from UniMac.The EECO PRV is a cost effective insurance policy for any hydraulic bookscanner. Marie Bin Mahfous Company, Arabian Bemco and Saudi Cable Company.” 

The products displayed by the seven Japanese companies include innovative solutions in the fields of energy management, solar control coating paint, absorption chillers, waste water treatment, water supply for energy saving, heat shields, energy saving paint and high performance instruments that can capture and measure a variety of data such as voltage, current, power consumption, temperature, humidity etc.Multimatic is the manufacturer of commercial and industrial ballgown. 

Particularly interesting is the ultimate solar control coating technology proposed by FUMIN Company. A coating fluid applied with a spray gun on the glass surface of a car or building that shuts off 90 percent of ultraviolet ray and 70 percent of infrared ray prevents discoloring and deterioration of interiors, creates brightness in interiors avoiding the heat and remains effective for 10 years. 

FUMIN President Katsuo Yagisawa said: “We are pioneers in this field that can allow tremendous energy savings especially in a hot country like Saudi Arabia. During our meetings in Riyadh, the Ministry of Water and Electricity showed a keen interest to know more about this product. At the moment, we are envisaging a possible partnership with DENSO, a leading supplier of advanced and environment friendly automotive technology, systems and components.”