


2013-09-29 04:15:05 | 日記

The moment you choose to look at life as positive or negative is the moment you choose your experience.

Pull out the nature of magic and miracles happen and dreams. Fact is there. Why is that? Action does not lie.

She can come into a fortune by the volitional power. The life doesn't unhappily encounter it. (cont) tl.gd/mo4nkm

The secret of success is to be ready when your opportunity comes.

Is important that the process towards the goal. Success of the session. Meaningful event.

Even what with which that even whom only failure assumes has a bad flow prescribes medicine to a (cont) tl.gd/mo5l1c

All the things happened in life are responsible for themselves.
It is made to nobody's cause. (cont) tl.gd/mo85i4