arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.

Alphonso Capone=Rio…

2012-12-09 15:38:53 | 日記


私は #鎌倉 #徳川一族 #徳川隆盛 #アルカポネ #リオ #ロックフェラー #Lancasta #Freemason #徳川家康 #織田信長 #レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ #平将門 #ナポレオン #遠山剴氏 #嘉藤淨當 #乃木将軍 の子孫の #Eleonora de' #Medici

I of the descendant of #Kamakura #Tokugawa_clan #Tokugawa_prosperity #Alphonso_Capone #Rio #Rockefeller #Lancasta #Freemason #Ieyasu_Tokugawa #Nobunaga_Oda #Leonardo_da_Vinci. #Masakado_Taira #Napoleon #King_top._Toyama 遠山剴氏 #Kiyomasa_Kato 嘉藤淨當 #General_Nogi #Eleonora de' #Medici …

E(A)rena Iaj.ajg.Lancasta Oda Medici Bacckuth Vintevecom Vallantine Brown Yokohama Zaoh Toyama Alcaponelig (Remirow) Rminmartin 天皇家 織田繪璃奈(横濱・野島えり) 亂盂酒靈 亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐 齲鴕乃掟黨繪璃奈=鷆界大邂宰穢閼瓏 掟頭=弖十(Ten10X)=嫗多乃啼兔=烏頼帝頭=Ev...ear.=野地讃(野慈蚕・乃侍跚・野似竄・野路燦)=野祀燦(讃)=八犬伝=野地讃=江亜楼 earom. 麒麟懈靆

Twitter…Mitelettrica arena8order earom8Ealeana 19640811Eri


2012-12-09 13:31:00 | 日記









『切り裂きジャック 無運申子ヨネ』の息子が今の『偽ノジサン』。



整形保護マスクと鬘を着けてイイ気になっているが 高齢の爺兄弟。


br.peking-man feace

2012-12-09 13:27:39 | 日記


It is the cracker which "the ache (Too) brothers" who are famous for "the blood of the Peking man" of Mongolia among "the artificial earthquake criminals" who do not stop hostage imprisonment cyberterrorism for "pride are not popular with to sleep with the member of the kidnapping group of the Korea country and the member of the thing (the first experience) and kidnapping corps various every day that slept after the landing in Japan".

The kidnapping corps that a partner playing it in sequence "is day cannibalism", and is famous for "men whom I want to sleep, and there is never" in the Korea country.

In fact, only as for the brothers and the relative.

While when the ache (Too) brothers of the Peking man whom I misunderstood when "oneself is popular" "are more popular if I become a rich person ," I dissolve various wiring by a microwave and attack Swiss Bank others, a various bank by hacking to invade it.

The Beijing ache brothers "murder women of the world"; when "the inconvenient partner kills anyone ," use the electricity of the electric power company without permission, and produce an artificial earthquake; and by a microwave (electromagnetic wave) of "a heart stop" and "the acute pain electricity" under cyberterrorism attack destruction.

It is ache (Too) brothers of "DNA of the Peking man" that was born among a person of Kuo of Pyongyang and various men.

The terrorists and brothers of "peking-man feace" are father.

"The false Noji sun" present a son of "Jack the Ripper no luck godsent child Yone."

Itai…Blog news and of livedoor cannot make a note by the cyber attack of a terrorist hurting too.

I take over a coup d'etat and dislike the 痛 (Too) brothers who are famous for the blood of a Peking man having its own way only in brothers without permission.

The grandfather brothers that I put on a cosmetic surgery protection mask and a wig and bring myself to be good, but am old.

It is a true cracker family.

only Peking man's

2012-12-09 09:11:47 | 日記


Only as for the desire that therefore leading, want to be to want a man to admit, "it is possible for oneself" that the primitive man who the coup d'etat that became only for the brothers of the Peking man by the Peking man is avoided, and was alienated "wants to be popular."

For character and environment (a siege and propaganda) that is furious with brain and selfishness where I cannot understand the reason that has become a brutal criminal "war crime" after all.

A computation main in 4 ツウ-Too (ツン-Toon) brothers of Inner Mongolia not understanding a letter.

I maximize the numerical value of the microwave oven wave (microwave) without understanding the meaning when "it is easy" and become clear when I exercised the imperative sentences such as various attacks.

"The artificial earthquake" of the cyber attack that the earthquake of the other day uses the electricity of 4 Beijing ツウ-Too brothers without permission.

I come over to Japan in boat people without permission three years ago when "free" and participate in a coup d'etat and operate the main computer of the war weapon without permission when "it is easy". I tamper with numerical value by "model-learning".

I come in the computer of the space generation system, and a crime using 70% of electricity is an earthquake of the other day.

Neither how to stop programming to use an attack, the microwave to destroy for nor the correction person knows neither a person nor the machine.

The list of cyberterrorism of the Philippine nationality produces both the news and the email with a computer automatically and tampers automatically.

#Person_from_coup_d'etat #news #propaganda #manipulation #server #programming #software #generation #earthquake #mechanic #microwave #electromagnetic_wave #jaxa #satellite #email #Tamio_Okuda #Kazutoshi_Sakurai #imperial_family #Toyama #Freemason #Italy #hawaii #eri #erena #Eleonora #Medici. #Oda #liquor #Alphonso_Capone #Rio #Rockefeller #football #soccer #newspaper #magazine #article #AIDS #HIV #DNA #blood #Philippines #Korea_country #rubang #Beijing #Peking_man #Pyongyang #boat_people #illegal_entry #broker #forgery #love_potion #stimulus #drug #stimulant #parasitic_worm #ナナフク-nanafuku #Ursa_Major #five_star #シチフク-shichifuku #smuggling #theft #transfer #seizure #treaty #law #international_law #execution #slaughter_punishment #Dharma_doll #cannibalism #scatology #Lynch_punishment #lynch #death_penalty #hostage #captive #camp #prison #grate #Auschwitz #Manchurian #Germany #Chongqing #World_War_II #Vietnam_War #defoliant #atom_bomb #special_attack_unit #battleship
#warship #f
ighter #Titanic #submarine #weapon #recall #Japan

12月8日(土)のつぶやき その2

2012-12-09 02:17:08 | 日記

空軍基地淪毒窟?4兵當藥頭闖安檢販毒 營區交易青少年: 社會中心/綜合報導安檢鬆散好運毒?!澎湖空軍馬公基地1名27?馮姓上兵,夥同3名軍中同袍,共組販毒集團,利用國?安檢鬆散,從台... (新浪台灣)

θ空軍基地淪毒窟?4兵當藥頭闖安檢販毒 營區交易青少年 -社會新聞…俄監獄女囚犯信世界末日法 集體現精神病 傳言世界末日將在2012年12月21日到來…