arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.


2012-12-22 22:30:54 | 日記


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フィリピン国籍の流蛮愚貊褫族の日本国、神奈川県横須賀 の人質、監禁、籠城事件は 日本以外、世界中で24時間放送中。





内モンゴルのフィリピン国籍のテロリスト達の偽クーデターの人質、監禁事件は 世界中のテレビで24時間観られている。


日本とは 対馬の近くの九州がある国。




日本の5億円は朝鮮国では 500億ウォンの価値。



デビルウォンバット=キタノワグマ R6用 人工肛門の使用間違いが R4。




MM21は日本国 神奈川県横浜市です。


ラジオ波 マイクロ波 電磁波…フィリピン国籍のテロリストも 70年以上 犯罪に使用しているらしいです。

従軍慰安婦会 神奈川県連に御確認下さい。

『中国乳幼児密売…赤ちゃん181人救出、産科医ら802人逮捕 子供価格は1.5倍、男の子の市場価格は100万円前後(2012/07/07のニュース)』



terrorists of Philip. in TV

2012-12-22 22:25:42 | 日記


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While I broadcast Japan by "the idiocy group of the Philippine nationality of the Rubang island", Nagawa prefecture, a hostage in Yokosuka, imprisonment, the siege case all over the world other than Japan for 24 hours.

The mean audience rating is 90%.

Asia is other than 95% including the Philippines.

There is not it only by Asama mountain cottage and Mitsubishi Bank case.

A hostage, the imprisonment case are broadcasted all over the world.

It is TV of the world, and the hostage of the false coup d'etat of terrorists of the Philippine nationality of Inner Mongolia, the imprisonment case are watched for 24 hours.

I heard that the Filipino crime of the illegal entry in Japan was projected with the real name and age at any time.

It is a country with Kyushu near Tsushima with Japan.

The MM21 is not separated by water neighboring Yokohama-shi of Kamakura-shi, Japan.

The terrorist imprisons a hostage by new construction of neighboring Yokosuka-shi in large public accommodation (unused) of contribution 500 trillion won from all over the world.

Because people of the illegal entry from the Korea country (the Philippines) do not know the prices of Japan, I steal it.

500 million yen of Japan is value of 50 billion won in the Korea country.

Quality of 100 million won is 1 million yen in Japan.

1 million yen is 100 million won.

The use mistake of the artificial anus for devil wombat R6 is R4.

It is the abdomen definitely.

I am reflected in the security camera, and the customs are impossible of passing through to react to a metal detector.

Violation such as Washington Convention.

The MM21 is Japan Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa.

It is not Korea.

Radio wave microwave electromagnetic wave…The terrorist of the Philippine nationality seems to use it for a crime more than 70 years, too.

Please confirm it in the charity dame society Kanagawa prefectural federation.

"Infants illicit sale in China"…181 baby rescue, 802 obstetricians arrest child prices 1.5 times, the market price of the boy around 1 million yen (news of 2012/07/07)

The victim of the defoliant uses scary one for the transplant formation, too…There is rumor.

There is the possibility of the aftereffects that brain fever such as "kuru disease" same as cannibalism follows even if I cure.

Human flesh capsule

2012-12-22 08:05:25 | 日記


Human flesh capsule - Wikipedia

Human flesh capsule

A human flesh capsule (meat capsule pitching a camp) is an entering powder capsule tablet from China made from the bodies of a baby and the infants of 1-2 months after birth who had a baby born dead. It was sold under cover in Korea, but it was found out in 2011 and became the case. It was announcement called "the best analeptic", but it is said that the effect is very likely to be the placebo effect.

Detection of the case

With August, 2011 issue of the Korean monthly "new Eastern Asia", an entering powder capsule made with the human flesh of baby and others born dead was brought in by the hospital which was in the State of Chinese Jilin Yanbian Korea group self-government, and it was reported that it was sold under cover for 100 capsule 800,000 won (for Japanese Yen around 60,000 yen) as the nourishment medicine which worked for the weakening due to the や serious illness after art in Seoul markets. As a result of the magazine obtaining a capsule originally afterwards, and having asked a Korean national crime laboratory for ingredient analysis with a duty agency, 99% of base sequence agreed with a human gene, and knew the thing that there was not with the placenta of the woman because the chromosome of the man was confirmed again [1]; [2]. Because the impulsiveness of the case was high, the plural media came to report this case afterwards in Korea [3].

Production process

Because a case became famous, "I wanted to know it" and was taken up a news program of the SBS broadcast in Korea and was reported. According to the Class same order, a doctor and a nurse sold the placenta and a dead baby to a broker systematically at some hospitals, and drying was powdered and did it with the point to make Chinese medicine, and the corpse was packed into the capsule afterwards after it was kept by a refrigerator. I say that there is not a drug in the specialized facilities to mix it, and the work was performed in a general house. The finished capsule was brought into Korea by a broker and was reported when sold under cover with a value of dozens of times than a local price of China in a drug market [4].

Progress of the case

Receive an uproar in Korea, and, on August 9, 2011, the spokesperson of the ministry of hygiene in China makes clear that ordered an investigation to the hygiene authorities of Jilin at a press conference; "China forbids that a medical institution buys and sells a corpse in laws and ordinances". I emphasized, I supervised the act to sell an organization and a corpse of the human body determinedly [5].

The media reported plural a broker having been disclosed for the first time in Korea on September 22, 2011. Was a nationality Korea group while a disclosed broker was resident in Korea, and it became clear to have been brought in in Korea by international mail and the route of two of 直接持込 [6]; [7] [8]. In addition, it has been appointed and says to an import and export prohibition item that there was seven disclosure as of August by Customs Act Article 234 in Korea [9].

The Korean authorities announced that they disclosed 17,451 tablets from August, 2011 to March, 2012. However, I am sold in large quantities, and the disclosed thing has indication with the tip of the iceberg, and the destruction is not easy anymore. That after having become the problem at home and abroad, the demand for human flesh capsule does not disappear either and, in 2012, is traded for one tablet of around 3,000 yen [10]; [11].

The source

^ Seoul current events (July 21, 2011). "Human flesh capsule", "Korea smuggling, the investigation from buying and selling = China - monthly news." Asahi Shimbun (Asahi Shimbun) January 28, 2012 reading.

^ combination (July 21, 2011). "A drug market and Korea of human flesh capsule illicit sale Seoul from China." MSN Sankei news (the Sankei Shimbun). An archive by at original January 28, 2012. January 28, 2012 reading.

^ love ball (August 9, 2011). Point it out with "the “ country of origin of the meat capsule"; at last a hygiene department to fact-finding - China ". Record China (record China) January 28, 2012 reading.

^ 朴美奈 (August 5, 2011). I circulated in the “ middle domestic production "human flesh capsule" truth which I made with the infant who died in Korea! ". I read it on gadget communication (gadget communication) January 28, 2012.

^ combination (August 9, 2011). "Human flesh capsule" "Korea inflow news China an investigation instructions." MSN Sankei news (the Sankei Shimbun). An archive by at original January 28, 2012. January 28, 2012 reading.

^ Seoul current events (September 22, 2011). "Chinese disclosure - Korea of 4,000 tablets of "human flesh capsule" seizure = Korea group." Current events dot-com (Jiji Press) January 28, 2012 reading.

^ combination (September 22, 2011). "Disclosure Korea Chinese with "a human flesh capsule", 4,000 tablets of seizure of the smuggling." MSN Sankei news (the Sankei Shimbun). An archive by at original January 28, 2012. January 28, 2012 reading.

^ combination (September 22, 2011). Disclosure Chinese with “ human flesh capsule…4,000 tablets of seizure "of the smuggling. Sports Nippon (Sports Nippon newspaper publisher). An archive by at original January 28, 2012. January 28, 2012 reading.

^ 金志秀 (September 22, 2011). "Smuggling of the middle domestic production "human flesh capsule", August seven disclosure the follow-up survey = Korea." サーチナニュース (サーチナ) January 28, 2012 reading.

^ "product made in China human flesh I enter the capsule “ cure-all?" Actual situation "of smuggling mass in Korea. Sankei biz. (May 27, 2012)

^ "Korean customs, "human flesh capsule" smuggling measures reinforcement from China." CNN. (May 27, 2012)

Item concerned



2012-12-22 07:59:47 | 日記


人肉カプセル - Wikipedia












^ ソウル時事 (2011年7月21日). “「人肉カプセル」、韓国で売買=中国から密輸、捜査へ-月刊誌報道”. 朝日新聞 (朝日新聞社) 2012年1月28日閲覧。

^ 共同 (2011年7月21日). “中国産の人肉カプセル密売 ソウルの薬剤市場と韓国誌”. MSN産経ニュース (産経新聞). オリジナルの2012年1月28日時点によるアーカイブ。 2012年1月28日閲覧。

^ 愛玉 (2011年8月9日). “肉カプセルの“原産国”と指摘、ついに衛生部が実態調査へ―中国”. レコードチャイナ (レコードチャイナ) 2012年1月28日閲覧。

^ 朴美奈 (2011年8月5日). “死んだ幼児で作った中国産『人肉カプセル』 本当に韓国で流通していた!”. ガジェット通信 (ガジェット通信) 2012年1月28日閲覧。

^ 共同 (2011年8月9日). “「人肉カプセル」韓国流入報道 中国が調査を指示”. MSN産経ニュース (産経新聞). オリジナルの2012年1月28日時点によるアーカイブ。 2012年1月28日閲覧。

^ ソウル時事 (2011年9月22日). “「人肉カプセル」4000錠押収=朝鮮族の中国人摘発-韓国”. 時事ドットコム (時事通信社) 2012年1月28日閲覧。

^ 共同 (2011年9月22日). “「人肉カプセル」で中国人摘発 韓国、密輸の4千錠押収”. MSN産経ニュース (産経新聞). オリジナルの2012年1月28日時点によるアーカイブ。 2012年1月28日閲覧。

^ 共同 (2011年9月22日). “人肉カプセルで中国人摘発…密輸の4000錠押収”. スポニチ (スポーツニッポン新聞社). オリジナルの2012年1月28日時点によるアーカイブ。 2012年1月28日閲覧。

^ 金志秀 (2011年9月22日). “中国産「人肉カプセル」の密輸、8月に7件摘発で追跡調査も=韓国”. サーチナニュース (サーチナ) 2012年1月28日閲覧。

^ “中国製人肉入りカプセルは“万能薬”? 韓国に大量密輸の実態”. サンケイビズ. (2012年5月27日)

^ “韓国税関、中国からの「人肉カプセル」密輸に対策強化”. CNN. (2012年5月27日)




2012-12-22 02:35:34 | 日記

д悪質な犯罪者。国際法違反です。フィリピンのテロリストの親族と聞いています。facebook知り合いかも?知り合いと友達になって写真や近況をやり取りしましょう。横濱 恵理子文京学院大学織田 依里安蒜 絵…

ш人工肛門…ストーマ(人工肛門)について 最初人工肛門と始めて聞いたときは,恥ずかしながらお尻(本当の肛門の近く)につけるのだと思っていました。実際は,腹壁に小さい穴をあけて…

Ψ私は日本国 神奈川県 藤沢市に居る。日本 -…日本 その他の用法については「日本 (曖昧さ回避)」、「日本国 (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。日本…