arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.

Eshlom criminal. - Inuit famy.

2013-05-05 11:37:00 | 日記


「雉闍 雉网 豸」=朝鮮総連のアミと偽る生き物「灰狼・悲鳴雷」の名。 → Thename ofthecreature "ash wolf,scream thunder" in the disguise ofanet ofthe"雉闍雉网豸"=Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan.





フィリピンの「ジキル・ハイドン」と名乗っていた魑蛔躰の娘の魑蠡の子の魑瑁が福建や朝鮮総連のアミと偽り、祖父がアメリカ軍から奪った兵器で戦争を企てた。 → 魑瑁-Tiimaig ofthechild of 魑蠡-Tiiraim ofthedaughter of 魑蛔躰-Tiikaigtaig which introduced itself as Philippine "Jekyll Haydn" feigned it withanet of Fujian andtheFederation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan and planned war withtheweapon whichagrandfather took away fromtheU.S. forces.

長年のサイバーテロリストでもあり、戦犯の「タイガー」は女装で東京湾に集めた世界中から集めた捕虜に足枷を付け、外さない。 → It isalist of longtime cyberterrorism,and be accompanied,and"thetiger" ofthewar crime does not take off fetters tothecaptive whom gathered fromtheworld thatIcollected in Tokyo Bay in woman's disguise.

エシュロム犯。 → Eshlom criminal.

「魑蛔躰」とはイエティでは無く、イヌイットと判明。 → "魑蛔躰-Tiikaigtaig" is Yeti,and there is not it and is proved to be Inuit.

更に本物のヒトラーとも分かった。 → Furthermore, Identified as genuine Hitler.

テレビや本で有名なヒトラーはニュース用の影武者の俳優だった事も判明した。 → Hitler who was famous for TV andabook was proved to have beentheactor ofamastermind for news.

テロリストの「福建」と偽る魑瑁は魑蛔躰と実の娘の魑蠡との間に産まれた近親相姦の子。 → Achild oftheincest that "Fujian" oftheterrorist and 魑瑁-Tiimaig to feign were born between 魑蛔躰-Tiikaigtaig and 魑蠡-Tiiraim ofthereal daughter.

魑瑁は男でありながら蕊族から戸籍を出された蕊疥=扛丐の妻となり、次々と多民族で子供を産ませ、その民族の子を誘拐し、テロリストとして育てた。 → While 魑瑁-Tiimaig wasaman,it was withawife of 蕊疥-Zuikaig=扛丐-Koukaig whereafamily register was given byastamen group and let multiracial in sequence layachild and kidnappedtheracial child and brought you up asaterrorist.

魑瑁は一族で東京湾に日本に無許可で 金星グループを脅迫し建てさせた総工費500兆ウォン巨大な建造物に一族全員で世界中の軍や組織のトップ他、VIPばかりの捕虜に足枷を付け拘束中 → While be accompanied,and 魑瑁-Tiimaig restricts fetters tothetop others ofthemilitaries and organizations of the world, acaptive only of VIP with allthewhole families tothebuilding that total cost of construction 500 trillion won that let threaten Venus group without license,and Japan build it in Tokyo Bay inthewhole families is huge.

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