arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.

Treaty…WHO 藏王慧黎南-Seylena Zaoh

2013-03-05 11:45:56 | 日記



Genealogical some women of my whole families

Seyler (She・scene) - Sirens - argus pheasant (in the only daughters of the Nike, Kamakura Tokugawa clan - imperial family second generation - Himiko 卑弥呼), Reza ("da' Vinte" of the daughter - first generation of da Vinci 静御前) - Meiji empress princess, 翡翠-Hidai(釈迦-Buddha), Masako Hojo lawn child - princesses, Empress Cixi - Kahoru & Toki - 静鍜-Shizuka(My mother Toshie)

The voice (throat) is inherited

Therefore I sealed it for me with a song (opera) which Nike was good at and was concluded a treaty.

Because though there is the prediction, a woman is the whole families singing in Shinto prayer from generation to generation; the man is a congratulatory address.

The song which an entertainer made a popular song, and it sang.

It is music of compensation for damages and the consolation money of one piece of 500 million yen for one piece of seal 200 years ago.

It is 1 billion yen from 2000.

People who sing an amount of money not to be able to give back even if popular lightly.

When a net of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan did the thing which I was called "Woota_teto 亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨" in Korea, and sang with a karaoke to a CD, I seemed to be popular.

The sales number of sheets…It is sold 10 million pieces with two pieces in Korea.

It is only the music that I pay the price in a karaoke room, and sang "only the cell shark bar" which I did not know properly.

The song of the treaty seemed to scatter it in the United States.

The dress and the accessories and the shoes seemed to be clothes when they sang the music of the treaty in a theater.

A different person wore it by a theater and TV and a movie for my change.

All the shoes wore the accessories of a piece of 500 million yen, too.

I am Freemasoneve. Miller.

It seems to be the top of the organization which is WHO allochromatic.

It was sure that the woman of the first child inherited it or acted from generation to generation.

As for the reason, both a man of the same whole families and the woman are Freemason ancestors from generation to generation…Because my ancestral man is haunted and is not worked. The whole families with "man Mio" are names of the Philippine terrorist clan.

As for article of the treaty that should have been followed in the treaty that should have used for 200 years and all the music, the Philippines "Pyongyang 非夭楊 非妖楊" whole families let you use it.

Probably seemed to use it without the Philippines of the defeated nation knowing it after World War II with a defeated nation.

It seems to be familiar dress and accessories in Korea.

The terrorist clan knew that it was a defeated nation recently.

Seemed to think that won because it was the whole families of the atom bomb throwing down.

Because the member escaped during World War II by ship, Did not seem to know it.

Escape when deceived for the lie of the net…The race which cannot devise a weapon cannot win.

Cannot be eager for the need that U.S. forces deceive a friend either.

Disappointed in stupid men who loved the race where only a liar is where make up and come true and was born with the foot from 4 to eight with the gene of the creature "scarlet dog".

The man whom only cosmetic surgery and the entertainment world can love is not necessary.

Freemasoneve. Miller

Grandchild of Zao
樋山イヴ Eve Toyama (藏王慧黎南-Seylena Zaoh, Eri Nojima - Eri Yokohama)



セイラー(シーン)~セイレーン~セイラン(ニケ・鎌倉 徳川一族-天皇家の一人娘で二代目-卑弥呼)・リザ(ダ・ヴィンチの娘-初代の静御前)~明治-皇后妃、翡翠-Hidai(釈迦)・北条万紗子-妃・西太后~カホル・トキ~静鍜-Shizuka(母の淑江)~私


だから ニケが得意だった歌曲(オペラ)を私の為に封印して条約になった。

予言もあるけど 代々 女は祓いで歌う一族だから 男は祝詞。

それが 芸能人が歌謡曲にして歌った歌。

一曲 封印の為に 二百年前に一曲 五億円の損害賠償と慰謝料の曲。

2000年から 十億円。



カラオケで歌ったものを 朝鮮総連のアミがCDにしたら 売れたらしい。

売上枚数は…朝鮮で 二枚で 1000万枚のセールス。

知らなかった『セルフカバー』ばかりをカラオケルームで 代金を支払って 適当に歌った曲ばかりです。

条約の歌は アメリカにもばら蒔いたらしい。

ドレスとアクセサリーと靴は 条約の曲をシアターで歌う時の衣装だったらしい。


一点五億円のアクセサリーも 靴も全て身に付けた。

私はFreemasoneve. Miller。

WHO他 色々な組織のトップらしい。

代々、第一子の女が継ぐか 代行をすると決まっていた。

理由は 先祖代々 同じ一族の男も女も Freemason…私の先祖の男に付きまとい仕事にならないから。『男見尾付き』一族が フィリピンのテロリスト一族の呼び名。

私の使用するはずだった 条約で二百年守られるはずだった 条約の品と曲は全て フィリピン『非夭楊』一族が使わせた。

多分、第二次世界大戦後から 敗戦国のフィリピンが 敗戦国と知らずに使ったらしい。


テロリスト一族も 最近、敗戦国だったと知った。

原爆投下の一族だから 勝ったと思ったらしい。






Freemasoneve. Miller


